
The New York Times Refuses to Release Recording of Donald Trump’s (Off-the-Record) Comments on Immigration

J.K. Trotter · 02/29/16 03:28PM

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith has an inside baseball report about a January 5 meeting between Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and the editorial board of The New York Times. According to Smith, many Times employees believe Trump conveyed to the paper—during a portion of the meeting deemed off-the-record —that his extreme policy positions on immigration are more flexible than he’s publicly admitted. Still, the Times refuses to release a transcript of the meeting, or even discuss Trump’s off-the-record comments:

Tom Friedman Is No Socialist, Obviously

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/16 11:15AM

If you sat Tom Friedman in a chair, gave him a piece of paper, snapped your fingers to get his attention, and told him to write down America’s three greatest sources of strength, what would he do?

In Cabal of Powerful Elites, Newspaper Sees Valid Alternative to Traditional Democratic Institutions

Alex Pareene · 12/29/15 04:02PM

“Think of it as The Establishment 2.0,” says the New York Times, of the “Working Team of the Itasca Project,” a group of “14 men and women who oversee some of the biggest companies, philanthropies and other institutions in Minneapolis, St. Paul and the surrounding area,” and who meet weekly “to quietly shape the region’s economic agenda.” Or think of it another way, if you want. Like... as a cabal?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/08/15 04:48PM

The most popular comment in the history of the New York Times website is by a Canadian, explaining why Canada is better than the U.S. You love to be told why you suck, America.

Buzzfeed Screws Up Its Calling Out of the New York Times Screwing Up

Jordan Sargent · 11/24/15 12:30PM

We in the media love nothing more than to call out our colleagues for fucking up, which means that this morning turned out to be a great one for me, since I get to make fun of a competitor for bungling its pointing out of a mistake made by another competitor.

New York State Legislator Who Supported Nail Salon Labor Protections Turns on His Own Law

Brendan O'Connor · 11/08/15 07:38PM

You might be surprised to learn that the New York State assemblyman who helped to craft a bill designed to protect nail salon workers, which Governor Cuomo signed into law earlier this year, has now decided that this law (especially the provisions pertaining to wage fraud) is bad. Then again, you might not be so surprised when you learn that, according to the New York Times’ Sarah Maslin Nir—whose investigative reporting on the nail salon industry in New York prompted Cuomo to take those “emergency measures”—salon owners have been sending tens of thousands of dollars in political donations the assemblyman’s way.

The New York Times Is Suddenly No Longer Above Reading Someone's Hacked Emails

Sam Biddle · 09/02/15 01:30PM

When hackers dumped an unfathomably large trove of internal materials from Sony Pictures on the internet last December, it created a feeding frenzy among reporters—unless you worked at the New York Times, which took a moral stance against touching stolen goods. Today, the Times has a big story explicitly based on material from that leak. So what changed?