
Violent Militia Groups Spreading Rapidly

The Cajun Boy · 08/12/09 04:30AM

The AP has a report out tonight containing some sobering but entirely predictable information: according to ATF sources, militia groups concentrated in the South, Midwest and Northwest are growing rapidly as wild conspiracy theories fuel the spread of paranoia.

Glenn Beck: 'I'm Not a Fearmonger'

The Cajun Boy · 08/12/09 01:11AM

Earlier tonight Glenn Beck dropped in on the O'Reilly Factor for his regular Tuesday fat-chewing session with Bill-O, where he defended himself against the totally ridiculous allegations that he's intentionally stoking the irrational fears of village idiots across the land.

BMW's Baroque $10 Million Sex Scandal

Owen Thomas · 03/09/09 11:46AM

A Swiss man has confessed to extorting $10 million from Susanne Klatten, a billionaire German heiress to the BMW fortune, in a bizarre revenge attempt for her family's involvement with the Nazi regime.

Nazis Came From Apes: Pope Ratzi's Busy 2009

Pareene · 02/11/09 01:44PM

Joseph Ratzinger's settled in as pope now, and he's really getting down to business with the crazy this year. What's he been up to and how will affect you?

There Are Too Many Damn Holocaust Movies

Richard Lawson · 12/08/08 10:28AM

Remember when you were in like sixth grade and your teacher asked you to read Number the Stars and you quietly thought to yourself, "jeez Louise, how many of these Holocaust books are there?" and then you felt terrible and never said anything to anyone? Well I do, and Page Six certainly does! They did a bit today about how there are just so many Holocaust movies this winter. There are a lot!

Were These the Only Nazi Idiots Afraid of an Obama Win?

Pareene · 10/28/08 04:43PM

So what did Barack Obama say when questioned about the weird and terrible plot on his life by those idiot neo-Nazis the ATF busted? He was not angry or outraged or even really sad or shocked. He just said, "I think what has been striking in this campaign is the the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalized." He's, uh, totally right! There was a tendency in New York, among liberals used to assuming that the elections are all stolen anyway, to assume the Obama campaign was doomed before it began because of his blackness, plain and simple. There was, similarly, a dark speculation, sometimes in the form of macabre joking, sometimes serious paranoia, that Obama would not survive the campaign if he got too close to the prize. What that didn't take into consideration was that as he looked more and more electable, more people liked him. Honestly, some thought Iowans were more likely to shoot him than vote for him. Then he proved them wrong, and the paranoia lifted, slightly. And the fact is, with the economy in the toilet, those bitter and ignorant poor whites are finding their distaste for Republicans is beginning to supersede any distaste for Blacks they might also feel. Crazy white power types found their numbers swelled a bit by the immigration "debate"—remember the Minute Men? they were certainly on TV a lot!—but now, the crazies are almost resigned to an Obama presidency. It's actually kinda shocking how few death threats we've heard about, especially considering the attention this patently ridiculous one received in the media. (Though we'd figure the ATF would be more likely to crow about breaking up an assassination attempt than the Secret Service, who tend to prefer to keep things quiet and not encourage the crazies.) But don't get too complacent! A Missouri Nazi tells The Guardian that a couple more Nazis will still promise to kill Obama, and Andrew Krucoff finds proof that Mississippi is still, you know, Mississippi. But Obama's right—they're marginalized. The debate's shifted immeasurably, even from a couple years ago. As a fine measure of how far we've come, the GOP has to use code words for "Muslim terrorist" this year instead of just reminding us of his conventional, acceptable Blackness. God bless us all!

McCain's Nazi-Cocaine Connection

Ryan Tate · 10/07/08 08:23AM

Well, this election is fast turning into an opposition-research-fueled shitstorm. On Meet The Press Sunday, Democratic strategist Paul Begala casually mentioned that John McCain sat on the board of the U.S. Council For World Freedom. And the Associated Press this morning elaborated on exactly what that entails. "The U.S. Council for World Freedom was part of an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America.," AP said. Very interesting! But the rest of the article doesn't give any details on these Nazis or the role of this group, called the World Anti-Communist League, in launching a "Cocaine Coup" that turned Bolivia into a drug trafficking hub and hotbed of brutal torture. Luckily a former AP and Newsweek reporter named Roberty Parry wrote an oddly fun book called Lost History , which can provide further illumination:

You Can't Do That On Television

Richard Lawson · 08/23/08 10:50AM

"There is something about Hitler and Germany that somehow makes it difficult to feel sorry for them when they get slaughtered at football. You just think, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler." So said a Swedish sportscaster of German Olympians at the soon-ending (sniff) Beijing games. [UPI]

Crap Letter from a Crazed Nazi Sympathizer

Sheila · 07/21/08 12:59PM

And here we were, just complaining that two-line blog comments are king and nobody writes letters to the editor anymore. Looks like the art of letter-writing isn't completely lost—prisoners, Nazi sympathizers, and cranky olds of the world proudly carry on this tradition. Via Cajun Boy, an excerpt from a four-page, handwritten letter to a publishing house, written by "a German woman and proud of it" who says "Adolf Hilter was super cool and women liked him." (The letter—or is it performance art?—was in response to the book The Nazis and the Occult.)

Gay Hero Revealed to Be Nazi Super Baby

Richard Lawson · 07/18/08 11:44AM

Are you sooo super jazzed to see Mamma Mia!, that Meryl Streep movie musical based on the Broadway show which is built, in ramshackle fashion, around a raft of ABBA songs? If you are you just might be a gay person. And we love you for it! But you know who wouldn't love you for it? Hitler. And you know who has ties to his Nazi party? Beebop band ABBA's own Frida Lyngstad. Time and circumstance came to reveal that she is the daughter of a Nazi officer who, along with many others, was spreading his seed around Norway in the hopes of creating a master race. Like this was an actual eugenics plan commissioned by Berlin. A new documentary on The Jewish Channel chronicles the story, a preview for which (via Radosh) is after the jump.

Nazi Orgy Lawsuit May Kill UK Gossip Industry

Pareene · 07/10/08 11:57AM

UK privacy laws continue to get stricter and stricter, and it's all thanks to Nazis. Or in this case, high-profile sons of prominent Nazi-sympathizers who may or may not get some sort of sexual satisfaction out of Nazi roleplay. Max Mosley is in charge of Formula One racing and some other gay European motorsports. He is the son of Oswald Mosley, the "Mr. Oswald with the Swastika tattoo" from that one Elvis Costello song. Oswald was a famous British fascist who hung out with Hitler all the time. Max claims he isn't a Nazi though he's now forced to admit in court that he loves sado-masochism. He's forced to admit this because of a lawsuit he brought which threatens the very industry of celebrity gossip in the UK.