
Whoops, Turns Out the Navy's $37 Billion Boat Is a Death Trap

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/13 03:21PM

After 9/11, the US Navy launched a massive program to build a "Littoral Combat Ship" that could fight submarines, clear underwater mines, and perform other tasks close to shore, because, um... you never know where the terrorists might be, with snorkels. Astoundingly, it appears more and more like this boondoggle has become—you guessed it—a boondoggle.

U.S. Navy Releases Bizarre PSA Letting You Know Bath Salts Will Lead to Nothing But Violence, Demons, and Dubstep

Taylor Berman · 01/03/13 12:45AM

The U.S. Navy has had some recent trouble with bath salt usage among its sailors, so they did what any forward thinking branch of the military would do: They released a bizarre PSA about the drug. According to the video, at least one of the following will occur if you ingest bath salts: 1) you'll vomit, 2) you'll punch your girlfriend while bowling, and 3) your friends will transform into demons before your eyes. Also: you'll only be able to hear dubstep.

Those Job-Stealing Robots Are Going After the Navy's Mine-Hunting Dolphins

Mallory Ortberg · 12/02/12 03:34PM

It's a textbook case of not appreciating what you have until it's gone: the U.S. Navy plans to replace some of its mine-hunting dolphins with unmanned submersibles described as "12-foot torpedo-shaped robot[s]" by 2017. Were you even aware before this announcement that the Navy had a $28 million-dollar marine mammal program based in Southern California? Or that it began in the 1950s and at one point also included "killer whales and sharks"? If not, you must feel this loss all the more keenly.

Disney Trademarks 'SEAL Team 6'

John Cook · 05/13/11 05:05PM

No sooner does a team of anonymous American heroes risk their lives in pursuit of a solemn oath of justice than a multinational cartoon corporation seeks to profit from it with shitty tchochkes. Two days after members of the Navy's SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, Disney trademarked the name for use in, among other things, "Christmas tree ornaments."

Will the Navy Force Sailors to Get Gay-Married?

Max Read · 05/09/11 09:12PM

The Navy is getting a special reward for shooting Osama Bin Laden: Gay marriage! Navy chaplains will be, officially, allowed to officiate same-sex marriages after Don't Ask Don't Tell ends this summer. The news came in a memo, which also covered the possibility of using base facilities for the events:

Fake Bin Laden Picture Fools America's Sexiest Senator

Adrian Chen & Max Read · 05/04/11 05:04PM

Turns out that Bin Laden's guards didn't put up much of a fight—and that those helmet cams didn't work very well. Obama won't release Bin Laden's death pic, so a disappointed nation drowns their bloodlust in fakes. The SEALS that did the deed remain in hiding, and the crazy Bin Laden hunter wants his reward. It's day three of our post-Osama world, with updates.

The Navy Will Fight Pirates with Lasers

Brian Moylan · 04/11/11 03:11PM

Welcome to the future, people. The U.S. Navy has perfected a high-energy laser that can be aimed from a ship and can set another boat's engines on fire. The military thinks it will be perfect to prevent attacks by smaller vessels, so pirates being zapped with lasers won't be something you'll just read about in comic books anymore.