
Just Like Old Times

Jeff Neumann · 11/17/10 07:52AM

[Retired Navy Cmdr. Bob Coolbaugh pilots a replica Curtis Pusher Biplane on the flight deck of the USS George H.W. Bush, marking 100 years since the first plane took off from the deck of a ship. Image via AP]

Surface Tension

Max Read · 10/19/10 02:39AM

[This is the HMS Triumph, one of the United Kingdom's nuclear submarines, surfacing near the River Clyde in Scotland following a training exercise performed jointly between 13 countries. Photo via AP.]

'Software Issue' Allows Navy Drone to Wander DC Skies

Jeff Neumann · 08/26/10 05:03AM

Earlier this month a US Navy Fire Scout unmanned killer robot drone went haywire and flew on its own around DC for 23 miles before operators could regain control. The Navy blames a "software issue." How comforting. [NYT]

Knife in the Water

Max Read · 07/26/10 01:45AM

[Russian Naval Infantry marines "perform" during the Navy Day parade in Sevastopol, Ukraine. "Perform," by, like, throwing knives all over the damn place, apparently. Pic via AP.]

Nabbing a Fleet Week Sailor: A How-To Guide

Brian Moylan · 05/26/10 03:49PM

Along with giant flower broaches and nauseating cupcakes, another thing Carrie Bradshaw made famous was Fleet Week, the annual onslaught of horny sailors into Manhattan. Want to go about getting a man in uniform of your very own? Here's how!

Navy Submarines: Now Coed!

Max Read · 04/29/10 08:40PM

Women will likely be allowed to serve (but not to smoke) on submarines starting in April. That joke—"What's long and hard and full of seamen?"—now goes, "What's long and hard and full of seamen and women?" [LAT]

Smoking Banned On All U.S. Submarines

Adrian Chen · 04/08/10 08:36PM

The Navy has banned smoking aboard all U.S. submarines. They will provide nicotine patches to help sailors quit. Which makes sense, because imagine if you're a mile underwater in a tiny metal tube and... damn. I need a cigarette.[AP]

UPDATE: How the Navy Rescued Cpt. Phillips

John Cook · 04/12/09 02:31PM

NBC News is reporting that three pirates simultaneously popped their heads out of their lifeboat and were taken out by Navy sharpshooters from the U.S.S. Bainbridge.