
Naomi Campbell Pretends To Be A Good Person

Ryan Tate · 05/05/08 05:20AM
  • Instead of viciously beating people with her cellphone, supermodel Naomi Campbell tried bringing tea and coffee to assistants on the TV show Ugly Betty. Ten bucks says the coffee and tea had, in turn, been bought by Campbell's own assistant, and that Campbell hasn't been into a Starbucks since 1998. I hope someone demanded her drink be brought back with nonfat milk at exactly 195 degrees. [News Of The World]

Lindsay Lohan May Guest Star On 'Ugly Betty' Season Finale, Pending Producers Allow Her To Appear Topless

Molly Friedman · 05/02/08 05:00PM

We have to give Britney Spears some credit: even after all the gurney rides, mental ward stays and umbrella attacks, she's still capable of inspiring her fellow Bimbo Summit alumni to follow in her bare footsteps. According to TV Guide, Lindsay Lohan is "in advanced discussions" to become the latest stunt cast victim guest star on the May 22nd finale of ABC's runaway hit Ugly Betty. And in a nostalgic nod to the good old days when she played an outcast in Mean Girls, she's reported to play a fast-food worker who Betty befriends. The only bad news? Lohan will be forced to share the guest star spotlight with the all-time queen of anger management-be-damned divadom.

Naomi Campbell's Bad Luck Streak Continues As Her Hair Decides To Jump Ship

Molly Friedman · 04/24/08 02:45PM

Long ago, we witnessed the frightening effects a bad weave can have on someone like Tyra Banks. Then, we had the misfortune of seeing what happens when John Travolta grew crops of fake hair atop his jolly head. And of course, who can forget Jude Law's T-bone-shaped crew cut earlier this week. But leave it to sanitation worker/phone-throwing criminal Naomi Campbell to reveal the worst and most gruesome display of 'do disasters. Seems even legendary female supermodels who've made a living off their looks can suffer from a condition we've often seen featured on late-night infomercials: ladies losin' their hair. The evidence lies after the jump.

Scientology Prince May Lose His Princess

Ryan Tate · 04/17/08 07:18AM
  • Katie Holmes is said by Star to be planning a "trial separation" from Tom Cruise amid her plans to come to New York, where she might act in the play All My Sons. There's a battle over Suri. [Star]

In Refreshing Change, Naomi Campbell Only Hurls Racial Slurs

Ryan Tate · 04/09/08 06:03AM
  • Apparently Naomi Campbell called arresting police at Heathrow "fucking white honkeys" and called one officer a "white ****." I actually have no idea how to fill in the stars in "white ****." But if the Sun, of all papers, is censoring it, it must be pretty bad. And yet still far better than a mobile phone traveling at 100mph. [Sun]

Rob Lowe In Sad Servant Betrayal

Ryan Tate · 04/08/08 06:47AM
  • Rob Lowe sued two former nannies and a former chef after saying one nanny tried to extort $1.5 million from him. The nanny basically accused the movie and TV star of hitting on her, while Lowe denied it and said the nanny was stalky. The second nanny supposedly plotted to spread lies of some sort about Lowe and his wife. The chef allegedly stole drugs from the medicine cabinet and had sex in Lowe's bed. You know, there may be a remote possibility that Lowe is a poor judge of character. [People]

Naomi Campbell Attack: 24 Hours Later

Richard Lawson · 04/04/08 09:51AM

Rage-infected supermodel Naomi Campbell could spend up to six months in prison for assaulting a police officer at an airport yesterday. Just another item on the list of Naomi's many rampages. Reportedly she became upset when a piece of luggage containing the magical clothing she was to wear for an American television appearance turned up missing. Spitting and swearing, running on and off the plane, she was finally subdued, handcuffed, and dragged off of an aircraft by four police officers. Luckily none of the officers sustained any infectious bites nor did her saliva come in contact with any open wounds. She has been released on bail, and is set to return to court in May. Until then, she will prowl the streets... hunting. [Showbiz Spy] Footage of the incident after the jump.

5 Rampages of Naomi Campbell

Richard Lawson · 04/03/08 03:28PM

Oh dear. Naomi Campbell has been arrested at Heathrow airport for assaulting a police officer. Sadly, this isn't the first time the feral English supermodel has shown her bottled-up rage, caused by a difficult job and having lots and lots of money. She seems to enjoy hurling things at her servants and other blue-collar folk. Also Italian ladies. After the jump, a brief recapping of some of the more memorable Naomi Campbell attacks.

Naomi Campbell Strikes Again, This Time Directing Her Much-Used Claws Towards A Police Officer

Molly Friedman · 04/03/08 02:50PM

We'd like to have a word with Naomi Campbell's anger management instructor, because apparently those classes she was forced to take after that infamous cell phone toss last year didn't do much good at all. According to People, Campbell was arrested earlier today for assaulting a police officer at London's Heathrow Airport, and while it's cute that they reference the fact that "travelers' frustrations have flared due to baggage delays" since the new Terminal 5 was constructed, we can't help but feel as though Campbell is officially out of excuses for attacking the innocent. Though throwing her cell phone at an assistant last year was certainly a step down on the crazy level from her 2000 incident attacking a PA on set, moving up to police assault moves Campbell out of the sanitation club with fellow alumnus Boy George, and into handcuffs territory. But what happened to the sweet, good-natured Naomi we witnessed on Bravo's guilty pleasure Make Me A Supermodel a few episodes ago?

Robert Downey Jr. Bringing Back Blackface

Ryan Tate · 03/06/08 05:52AM
  • Actor Robert Downey Jr. is about to be in blackface in a movie, but it's totally OK because it's so meta: Downey will not wear blackface to pretend to be black; he will wear blackface to pretend to be a white actor pretending to be black. Totally different. [Film School Rejects via Digg]

Naomi Campbell's Gynecological Emergency

Ryan Tate · 02/27/08 02:07AM

Terrifying supermodel Naomi Campbell was paid to "party" at Carnaval in Brazil, but she's also been spending money, probably by bribing police to ignore the bloody trail of insolent assistants and fans she no doubt left in her wake. Campbell is also out of pocket for some emergency "abdominal" surgery she just had to remove a small cyst. Details are hazy, but both a gynecologist and a "specialist in infectious diseases" were on hand for the successful procedure at a Sao Paulo hospital. Along with, one hopes, some heavily armed security forces for when the anesthetic wears off.

Icky Sick?

Richard Lawson · 02/26/08 04:08PM

Supermodel and humanitarian Naomi Campbell was admitted to a hospital in Brazil last night due to some mysterious ailment. It's reported that she's being attended to by an infectious diseases specialist and a gynecologist. Oh my! When she's better Naomi is totally going to toss her publicist out a window. [AP] You commenters must be medical professionals! What could this strange disease be? (We don't think it's just cysts, like is claimed.)

Good Mothers

Richard Lawson · 02/07/08 10:37AM

Supermodel Naomi Campbell would like a new thing to hurl at her servants: a Brazilian baby. The British lunatic was paid to spend time down there during Carnival, and she's fallen in love. [Made in Brazil]

Naomi Campbell's Safe Side

Ryan Tate · 02/05/08 01:14AM

Supermodel Naomi Campbell's gig as a columnist for British GQ apparently isn't quite lucrative enough to cover her expenses, like the out-of-court settlements to the many, many assistants she beat down, or repairs to the yacht she damaged when her boyfriend made this awful appetizer and then talked back to her. So she took some cash from a Brazilian entrepreneur named Nizan Guanaes to put on some Hooters shorts (left) and hang out at Carnaval in Salvador, Brazil for a while. Reports of bloody mayhem and panic should begin trickling out of Salvador as soon as Campbell finally snaps, probably within the next 24 hours. Click the thumb for Campbell's safe side in its full glory. [Made in Brazil]

Naomi Campbell

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:37PM

She's made millions off of her face and body, but these days supermodel Naomi Campbell makes headlines for her epic freakouts.