
This Is a Really Bad Idea for a Baby Name

Brian Moylan · 09/28/11 03:57PM

We all hear stories about kids who are given ridiculous names—usually kids that are born to celebrities—but when you're looking to name your child, don't turn to a "baby name blog." They're full of horrible ideas too, like this one.

Lauren Bush's Married Name: 'Lauren Bush Lauren'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/09/11 02:27PM

Shiny-haired political heiress Lauren Bush has made it official: She'll take fiance David Lauren's last name, and go by "Lauren Bush Lauren" after her wedding. Two Laurens with a Bush in the middle. Easiest society punchline since Ima Hogg. [P6]

Twitter Was Almost Named Jitter

Ryan Tate · 07/19/11 03:29PM

Before it was "Twitter" or even "twttr," America's favorite microblogging service had two other, absolutely terrible names. Crackhead names.

A Baby Named 'Like'

Adrian Chen · 05/16/11 11:55AM

An Israeli couple has named their newborn daughter "Like." It's unclear if Facebook was the direct inspiration for their choice, given that the father doesn't really use Facebook. But, still, pretty cruel!

Sperm Whales Might Have Names

Max Read · 03/14/11 10:08PM

It is rare that our imagination syncs up with science, so we are particularly psyched to learn of new research suggesting that sperm whales, when they click at each other, "announce themselves with discrete personal identifier[s]." Yes! That's right: Sperm whales have names.

Science Explains Why Palin Kids Have Such Stupid Names

Max Read · 02/23/11 02:45AM

One of the great failures of modern political journalism is its inability to account for the children of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin—specially, why they are named things like "Trig" and "Willow"? But where journalism has failed, science may have succeeded:

Mayor Harry Baals Is Being Disrespected

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/11 05:42PM

Fort Wayne, Indiana is a town divided today. The city decided to put the naming of its new government center to a public vote; voters chose to name the building for one of the town's former mayors, who served four terms from the 1930s through the 1950s.

The Pope Hates Your Weird Name

Max Read · 01/10/11 10:06PM

Uh-oh! Are you named something weird, like "Trig" or "Bristol"? You might go to Hell! Or at least, get in trouble with the Pope. He told some people that Catholics should have Christian names, and Italians flipped out.