
The Naked Cowboy is Running For President

Kate Castellana · 10/01/10 05:20PM

When asked about his new haircut, the Naked Cowboy announced his intentions to run for president. His politics are conservative, and one TMZ reporter points the irony of this considering that he walks around naked all day.

The Naked Cowboy Is a One Trick Pony

cityfile · 10/29/09 01:45AM

His normal work attire is hard to top, but as part of our ongoing series on Halloween costumes, we thought we'd ask the Naked Cowboy (aka Robert Burke) if he was planning to dress up as anything special this weekend.

Watch Your Back, Michael Bloomberg

cityfile · 07/21/09 06:19AM

It looks like the campaign for mayor will be a bit more competitive this fall: "A Times Square fixture is throwing his cowboy hat into the political ring, leaving him with even fewer articles of clothing. Robert Burck, better known as The Naked Cowboy, says he's running for mayor.The 38-year-old performance artist says he will run a transparent campaign." [NY1, Reuters, People]

Naked Cowboy Clings to Limelight

cityfile · 08/21/08 12:29PM

Could anyone passing through Times Square this afternoon please take a second to explain to the Naked Cowboy that his 15 minutes ended, like, three years ago? The man legally known as Robert Burck says he's "in discussions to host an American Idol type show that will feature performers vying for the title of the world's greatest street singer." That's "discussions" as in "maybe if I get a newspaper to write about it, that will be just enough convince a stupid, desperate network exec to take a chance on it." [NYP]

Naked Cowboy Can Sue Over M&M Ad

Ryan Tate · 06/24/08 04:40AM

"'Sounds like I've got $4 million coming my way,' the Naked Cowboy, whose real name is Robert Burck, told The Post upon learning of Manhattan federal Judge Denny Chin's decision." [Post]

At Home With The Naked Cowboy

abalk · 07/31/07 12:20PM

Times Square fixture the Naked Cowboy has
his own, which means if you can't get enough of his hilarious naked hijinks on the street, you can now watch him in a more domestic setting. To catch up those of you who have somehow missed the excitement thus far, Gawker splicey-tapey technician Alex Goldberg has assembled a montage of greatest hits.