
Why Are Poor People Still Smoking?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/14 03:10PM

You know who still smokes a lot of cigarettes? Poor people. While yuppies are quitting and taking up Pilates and Zumba, the poors just keep puffing away. It's sad. Policy makers are vexed. What other, healthier habits could the very poor pick up?

Science Watch: The Secret of the Zebra

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/13 04:54PM

Galaxy arms! Electric trees! Toe fossils! Smoke damage! Ice diamonds! Friendly cats! Stripey horses! And other ways to drive your dreams! It's your Wednesday Science Watch, where we watch science—as it evaporates!

Mississippi Family Vanishes After Car Accident

Lacey Donohue · 11/04/13 09:44PM

Authorities in Mississippi are currently searching for a family considered missing and “endangered” after discovering the family’s abandoned and overturned car in a Hermanville, Miss. ditch on Saturday morning. Altira Hughes-Smith, 30, her 7-year-old-son Jaidon Hill, and her husband, Laterry Smith, 34, were last seen driving their car on Friday after leaving a Halloween party in Flowood.

You People Inexplicably Love Subway's Advertising

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 09:44AM

You, the ruminant-like American consumer, "chewing your cud" (Cheetos) on your voluminous reclining chair as you passively absorb advertising messages for processed food conglomerates: which fast food ad do you relate to the most? The fake healthy place. Huh.

The Mystery 9/11 Hijacker Photos No One Has Ever Seen

J.K. Trotter · 09/11/13 03:18PM

So here’s a mystery. In response to a recent Freedom of Information Act request, the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided Gawker with a curious case file, dated May 2002, indicating the bureau’s acquisition of three photos of 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta. The photos, which remain classified, were “recovered from a passenger who was on board Spirit Airlines Flight 460 on August 23, 2001” — that is, on a flight between Fort Lauderdale and Newark, nearly three weeks before September 11. As far as we can tell, the existence of the photographs has never been publicized.

Why Do Tourists Love Fudge?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 02:25PM

I grew up in a tourist-laden town in sunny Florida. Its main downtown tourist street was full of fudge shops. I recently traveled to a popular small town in wintry Canada. Its main downtown tourist street was littered with fudge shops. What is it with tourism and fudge?

Kate Bennert · 05/23/13 05:20PM

According to Twitter, a video of a "woman squeezing a balloon out of her vagina" has been infiltrating Facebook newsfeeds. Have you seen this video? If so, I have a few questions.