
Dead Pennsylvania Woman Found Alive in Florida

Taylor Berman · 05/01/13 08:19PM

Eleven years ago, Brenda Heist dropped her two children off at school in Lititz, Pa. and then disappeared. The dinner she'd been preparing was left defrosting, and her car was found in a nearby county. None of her possessions were missing. Nine years later, her ex-husband, Lee Heist, who police initially viewed as a suspect, had her declared legally dead. Since then, her ex husband has remarried, and her two children, now 19 and 23, went to college.

Who Killed Cruz? The 'Suspicious' Death of a Prizewinning 'Smiley Dog'

Caity Weaver · 02/28/13 01:19PM

On February 10th, dog handler Robert Chaffin and his charge, a fluffy three-year-old Samoyed named Cruz, shared a steak and a hotel room as they prepared for the Westminster Dog Show. Six days later, while at a show in Colorado, the cuddly "marshmallow" began vomiting up blood. Within hours, Cruz was dead.

Why Do Assholes Love Watches?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/13 03:05PM

When you think of "things that self-aggrandizing assholes like," you may think of flashy jewelry, or exotic sports cars, or misquoting The Art of War. True enough. But there is no single signifier more characteristic of the upwardly mobile, ostentatious yet fundamentally insecure, braggart asshole male than an expensive fucking watch. See this? It's a Breitling, bro. Don't touch.

The Sweet vs. Dill Relish Imbalance Is an Outrage

Hamilton Nolan · 01/15/13 01:10PM

Let's examine this issue calmly, one step at a time. People invented pickling thousands of years ago as a way to preserve perishable foods. The preservation comes from acidity. That's that classic sourish, pickly flavor. Americans consume more than 20 billion pickles a year. Most of those pickles are dill. Dill pickles are the most popular kind of pickles.

Why Are Dogs Racist? Canine Experts Speak

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/13 12:15PM

Dogs: why are they so racist? You know the type: prancing along as merry as can be until a human of a certain skin tone walks by, and then—bang!—all the barking and snarling and biting. It's been a source of uncomfortable comedy for years. Some dogs are just racist. But why? We turned to the real live dog psychology experts to find out.

Mystery Solved: The University of Chicago Received Mail for Indiana Jones Due to a Bizarre Post Office Error

Taylor Berman · 12/17/12 10:58PM

Through a combination of strange luck and postal incompetence, the University of Chicago's admissions office received a mysterious package addressed to a "Henry Walton Jones, Jr" late last week. At first, they assumed it was sent to the wrong department, and it was placed in separate pile. Some time later, a student-worker realized that Henry Walton Jones, Jr is actually Indiana Jones, who was, as you might remember, a famous, if fictional, University of Chicago alumnus.

Mainstream Media Attack Dogs Think We're Asking Too Many Questions About Orange Pie

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/12 03:25PM

Here at Gawker, we stand in opposition to the back-slapping Lamestream Media and its cozy relationships with Big Business, from Big Fruit all the way to Big Pie. That's why we were the only news organization brave enough to come right out and ask, "Hey, how come you never see orange pie, on the menu or whatever?" It was only a matter of time before Big Pie sent out its MSM attack dogs to try to recapture the narrative.

Are Nuts Salty or Sweet?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/28/12 12:00PM

Let us stipulate, as gentlemen and gentlewomen, that food can generally be divided into two separate and distinct categories: Sweet foods, and Salty (or Savory) foods. Accepting momentarily this fundamental bifurcation, we turn our attention, as we do so often, to nuts. Nuts. Are they a salty food, or a sweet food? The answer is not so simple.

Why No Orange Pie?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/21/12 10:00AM

Oranges: a popular fruit. Very popular. Go in any place that sells fruit, fruit store, or whatever, and I bet one thing you will see there displayed prominently is—that's right—oranges. The point is that oranges are very popular in America. So then, smartass: why is there no orange pie?

Why Are White High School Dropouts Dying Younger?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/12 12:35PM

Here's a novel trend: white people in America are losing relative to non-white people in America, in some way. What?? Yes, of course, this trend involves poor and/ or undereducated white people, but still. You don't see that too often. So—why are the white high school dropouts dying younger now?