
Scott Ruffalo's Death Was a Murder, Police Declare

Richard Lawson · 12/18/08 10:19AM

Los Angeles detectives have officially determined that the death of actor Mark Ruffalo's brother Scott was indeed a homicide. They initially arrested a suspect earlier this month, a friend of Ruffalo's named Shaha Adham, but she was later released. Then she popped up on TMZ and reiterated her innocence. She claims (or claimed at one time) that Ruffalo shot himself while playing a game of Russian roulette. In the back of the head. [People]

Third Person in the Room Named in Scott Ruffalo Case

Richard Lawson · 12/16/08 12:24PM

The name of the third person possibly involved in the sad, strange case of Scott Ruffalo, the brother of actor Mark who was shot in the head and killed earlier this month, has been revealed. A man named Kristian Muradaz was arrested after the shooting (but before Mr. Ruffalo passed away) for attempted murder, TMZ tells us. The site also implies that the Russian roulette story, initially provided by fame-seeking (?) other person in the room Shaha Adham may still be in play. Ugh.

Scott Ruffalo Case Gets Seedier, Sadder

Richard Lawson · 12/12/08 10:24AM

More developments in the strange death of actor Mark Ruffalo's brother Scott. Supposedly police aren't buying the whole "Russian Roulette" story given to them by the "Saudi princess," Shaha Mishaal Adham. Can't trust foreigners!

Ashley Dupre Hacks

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/08 02:51PM

Is there any particular reason that Time magazine has a story (?) on its website right now with the byline "By Ashley Alexandra Dupre"? The entire content of the story is a big picture of Ashley Alexandra Dupre, and the words "I'm sorry for your pain." Either the Spitzer hooker has been hired on to write Zen koans, or something seriously strange is going on in Time's internet department. (Now Time tells us this was supposed to be a "Quote of the Day" that was accidentally converted into an article page. Crazy!) Click through for a big picture of the screen, in case it gets pulled. [Time]

Arianna Huffington Will Fund More Journalism, Somehow

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/08 04:36PM

Arianna Huffington is branching out and branching out some more! Fresh off her adventurous night subbing as the host of Rachel Maddow's show, the accented mogul (and current non-friend to us) announced today that the Huffington Post "is going to raise money to fund investigative journalism projects." How does she plan to come up with the cash for this, the most expensive type of reporting? She won't say! Yet. According to Reuters, she said there won't be any details for three months. Perhaps in that time the economy will improve and donors will look to throw money at investigative journalism? Ha, no. So where will this cash come from? Some guesses:

Stocks, Explained

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/08 05:35PM

By 1:00 this afternoon, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 316 points. It closed three hours later up 552 points. What's going on in this insane market? Let's turn to the experts: "The market’s abrupt about-face left investors and analysts grasping for explanations. 'I have no idea,' said Michael Feroli, an economist at J.P. Morgan Chase." There you have it. [NYT]

Why Is Entertainment Weekly So In The Tank For Twilight?

Richard Lawson · 11/13/08 03:22PM

As we hear they're having lay offs right now, we're a little reluctant to kick Entertainment Weekly when it's down. But, meh, what the hell. Why is the magazine so ridiculously gung-ho about Twilight? You know Twilight, it's that book series and soon-to-be movie about a cloudy young woman named Bella and the irritatingly chaste relationship she has with a chiseled demigod of a vampire named Edward. Sure it's set a good deal of teen girl and sad lady shut-in poonani afire, but srsly EW? They've had some 50 mentions of the books or the movie in the past six months, including two, count 'em two!, splashy sexy covers.

Fake New York Times Declares Iraq War Over! Here's Who Did It

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/08 09:28AM

The Iraq War is over, according to the fake New York Times! This morning a cadre of volunteers has fanned out across New York City to pass out a remarkably good, faux-copy of the Times dated July 4, 2009. They've even set up an entire website with all of the liberal fantasy headlines. Universities to be free! Bike paths to be expanded! Thomas Friedman to resign, praise the Unitarian Jesus! It's not funny like The Onion, but obviously a lot of work went into this. Now we play "Who did it?" We already know!: We have done some sleuthing based on intelligence received yesterday. First of all, this stunt needed a lot of volunteers to distribute the papers. They were rallied online, via This email went out to the collaborators last night:

Poster Boy: Trains, Planes, And Britney, Bitch

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/08 05:18PM

Poster Boy: an anonymous ad remixer in the New York subways. Art: is it what he does? Culture jamming: a term too annoying to use any more, though everyone knows what it means. Sell out: is he bound to, eventually? Questions: he asks them. Britney: slut, psycho, or star? Maria: is she really poopy? Man: why is he flying on outside of train car? Poetry: why aren't I good at it? Five new Poster Boy pieces: after the jump, ya dig:

Facebook engineer stumped by news

Owen Thomas · 11/03/08 06:40PM

The Barnumesque blather of Facebook's platform evangelists is matched only by the bombastic inclarity of CEO Marc Benioff. How fitting that the two companies came together earlier today to obfuscate their joint efforts. When Facebook agent obscurateur Dave Morin posted about the incident, his colleague, engineer Luke Shepard, bravely scratched his head in public, on Morin's Facebook profile.

Why is VC Jeremy Levine lying for Jimmy Wales?

Owen Thomas · 11/03/08 02:40PM

Money is a commodity. What venture capitalists really bank is their reputation. And Jeremy Levine of Bessemer Venture Partners has just signaled that he's willing to cash in his reputation to protect a piddling $4 million investment. Levine is not amused by our report of how Levine got Wikipedia cofounder Jimmy Wales fired from his job as CEO of Wikia, calling it a lie. The report is accurate, Wikia insiders confirm; Levine's denial is the lie. The only mystery here: Why is Levine willing to dissemble for Wales?The answer is pure self-interest. $4 million is nothing to a 97-year-old venture capital firm like Bessemer. It could easily write off its investment in Wikia, an attempt to capitalize on the anyone-can-edit wiki concept popularized by Wikipedia. But Levine has invested his reputational capital in Wikia. Admitting he made a mistake in backing Wales means Levine would lose face with Bessemer's partners, who will be more likely to question his subsequent investments. (That he has also invested in Yelp and surely does not burnish his record.) Levine would have us be impressed by the fact that Wales "volunteered to forgo his Wikia salary." This would be more impressive if Wales had not long ago forgone any pretense of doing any work to earn that salary. When Levine first invested in Wikia, Wales promised to spend 90 percent of his time on Wikia and 10 percent on Wikipedia. In fact, he spent nowhere near that proportion of time on either, focusing instead on an increasingly lucrative speaking career. I'm inclined to feel sorry for Levine, who was clearly deceived by Wales, but is stuck defending him, lest he admit to the con. We will give Levine this much. In a recent blog post, he wrote, "Valleywag reported some nonsense about Jimmy getting fired because of a bogus expense report. Nothing could be farther from the truth." What is uncontestably true: Levine was enraged when he learned that Wales tried to get Wikia to reimburse him for a $1,300 dinner with a private-equity investor, at which he primarily discuss ways to profit off of Wikipedia, not Wikia. But it is quite possible that Wales's attempted expense-account flim-flam was the least of his sins as CEO of Wikia, and that Levine actually fired him over more serious matters. If so, why doesn't Levine wash his hands of Wales, write off the investment, and tells us what Wales did? Otherwise, he'll find that he's only just begun his career of lying on Wales's behalf.

Microsoft in the dark about Facebook's finances

Owen Thomas · 11/03/08 01:20PM

Is Facebook making money? Losing money? One would think that investing $240 million in a company entitles one to answers to such questions. But one would be wrong. Microsoft executives are so in the dark about the social network's finances that they have taken to quizzing reporters for information, we hear. (Photoillustration by Richard Blakeley)

Bruce Wasserstein: Facelift Or A Natural Glow?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/31/08 03:48PM

Important item: Has billionaire Lazard chairman Bruce Wasserstein, the owner of New York magazine, had some plastic surgery? Cityfile thinks so, after examining a current photo vs. one from two years ago. Then again, two years ago Wasserstein was rumored to be seriously ill. So maybe he just got over that? And is it really worth spending all that money to get plastic surgery when you're already 60 and married and not prowling the clubs for hot young things? I guess if you're a billionaire, you can do what you like, thank you. Click to enlarge the pic. [via Cityfile]

What's wrong with tech billionaire Paul Allen?

Owen Thomas · 10/31/08 11:40AM

Paul Allen, the gazillionaire cofounder of Microsoft who has spent his subsequent years frittering away his cash on tech startups, sports teams, and a cable company or two, is ailing, reports Seattle tech blog TechFlash. Allen missed a "First Citizen" awards ceremony thrown by local realtors in his honor because of "an undisclosed medical procedure." We're thinking it can't have been something minor, or at least not easily postponed. Bill Gates attended the event, as did Patty Murray, one of Washington's senators. Murray's praise for Allen's civic contributions — including the Experience Music Project museum and the purchase of the Seattle Seahawks — brought the crowd to its feet. In 1983, Allen was treated for Hodgkin's disease. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Mahalo is hiring

Owen Thomas · 10/27/08 01:40PM

"Do you know that you're amongst the very best, but can't find a company that appreciates you or gives you the opportunity you deserve?" So begins Mahalo's come-on to developers. The bulldog-powered search engine just laid off a large chunk of its staff, including some developers. Why is it hiring more? We're sure Jason Calacanis, Mahalo's voluble CEO, has some entertaining spin, which we'll let him add it in the comments. But since his HR department didn't stamp the Craigslist posting with "DO NOT REPRINT," as Calacanis is known to do with his emails, we're republishing it below.

Was Palin's $150,000 Even Actually Spent on Clothes?

Pareene · 10/23/08 04:31PM

What the hell? The stores where GOP robocaller/professional Palin shopper Jeff Larson supposedly bought $150,000 worth of shit for Sarah to wear to fancy conventions? Yes well some stores listed in the records don't have any receipts proving these purchases, you know, happened. Which is kinda funny, and helps explain why Governor Palin does not really look $150,000 better-dressed than she did before the conventions! ($10k better maybe.) So what happened to that money, then?

Every Angle Covered In Anchorwoman Attack Mystery

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/08 09:16AM

Yesterday we told you that Anne Pressly, an Arkansas morning news anchorwoman who played an Ann Coulter-like pundit in the new Oliver Stone flick W, was attacked and stabbed in her home early Monday morning (she's now expected to recover). The crime has predictably attracted a lot of international attention: it involves a pretty woman, a journalist, Hollywood, and politics. So what new facts have we learned about the case today? None at all, really. Unless you ask the media, in which case, CONSPIRACY?!?!?: In a neat trick, various news outlets are now able to go with totally opposite angles on this story—based on no new facts, and also sometimes based upon the same exact sources! New York Post:

Ann Coulter Doppelganger Mysteriously Attacked

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/08 10:02AM

Anne Pressly, the anchorwoman of a 5 a.m. TV newscast in Little Rock, Arkansas, was attacked in her home, beaten, and stabbed some time early Monday morning. She's now in critical condition. Her other claim to fame: she played (a younger, more attractive) Ann Coulter in the new Oliver Stone flick W. And like the restaurant critic yesterday who was attacked in Albany, there seems to be some suspicion Pressly may have been specifically targeted:

"not banksy! it's kuszyk"

Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/08 03:55PM

Well then: the mysterious hooded and bearded man photographed supervising the painting of a new Banksy mural yesterday is not Banksy; it's Williamsburg artist R. Nicholas Kuszyk! As he informed us just now in an email with the intriguing subject line: "not banksy! it's kuszyk." Who is this be-aviator shaded man of mystery? A Banksy collaborator who also paints some nice robots himself! See here: