Anne Pressly, the anchorwoman of a 5 a.m. TV newscast in Little Rock, Arkansas, was attacked in her home, beaten, and stabbed some time early Monday morning. She's now in critical condition. Her other claim to fame: she played (a younger, more attractive) Ann Coulter in the new Oliver Stone flick W. And like the restaurant critic yesterday who was attacked in Albany, there seems to be some suspicion Pressly may have been specifically targeted:

"[It] is possible that it is something other than robbery," [a police spokeswoman] said. ". . . she was a public figure. . . on the news, in the media."

That's not much to go on, and it's also possible that robbery was the motive. And Pressly is listed on some "Hottest News Anchor"-type lists online, so who knows what kinds of stalkers she might have. But we must ask: Is there a White House connection? From her bio:

One of her most memorable interviews happened by chance. On the return trip from a news story in Humphrey, Arkansas, the highway was blocked in front of waterfowl outfitter Mack’s Prairie Wings in Stuttgart. Turns out, Vice President Dick Cheney was inside shopping. He allowed Anne to interview him while he was on the ammo aisle. Cheney told Channel Seven he loves Arkansas. Not as much as Anne does.