Yesterday we told you that Anne Pressly, an Arkansas morning news anchorwoman who played an Ann Coulter-like pundit in the new Oliver Stone flick W, was attacked and stabbed in her home early Monday morning (she's now expected to recover). The crime has predictably attracted a lot of international attention: it involves a pretty woman, a journalist, Hollywood, and politics. So what new facts have we learned about the case today? None at all, really. Unless you ask the media, in which case, CONSPIRACY?!?!?: In a neat trick, various news outlets are now able to go with totally opposite angles on this story—based on no new facts, and also sometimes based upon the same exact sources! New York Post:

COPS EYE 'W.' ROLE MYSTERY OF SAVAGE ATTACK ON BUSH-FLICK NEWS GAL The cameo role of a bubbly, blond TV anchorwoman in the controversial movie "W." is being looked at as a possible motive in her bloody beating inside her Arkansas home, authorities said yesterday... "It is possible that it is something other than robbery," said Little Rock police spokeswoman Cassandra Davis. "Our detectives are talking with co-workers because she was a public figure, because she was on the news, in the media." Police haven't ruled out the possibility that the assault was motivated by Pressly's portrayal of a right-wing pundit in the new Oliver Stone biopic about President Bush.

Sky News:

TV Anchor Beating Was 'Random' Police spoke to Ms Pressly's colleagues and friends to try to establish whether a stalker or someone in the news recently may have been responsible for beating her up. But the investigation has not turned up any evidence of that so far, according to Sergeant Cassandra Davis. "Right now, it's being treated as a random incident," she said.

Just take the police spokeswoman's quote and fill in any angle you like! Police have not yet explicitly ruled out the involvement of Dov Charney and the Montauk Monster in this crime.