
Muslim Group Releases PSA, Promises Not to "Take Over This Country"

Matt Cherette · 08/31/10 03:04PM

Here's a PSA from Muslim organization My Faith My Voice, in which several Islamic Americans attempt—with a serious, non-ironic tone—to quell fears that they're out to impose their faith on others or "take over this country." Watch inside.

Why Won't Barack Obama Plaster His Birth Certificate on His Forehead?

Max Read · 08/30/10 03:01AM

Alleged President Obama sat down with 30 Rock cast member Brian Williams on Sunday to talk about some... French city? Or something? Who even knows?? Because the important part is that Obama once again rejected the demands of millions of reasonable Americans, who are just naturally suspicious of this black fellow claiming to be president. See, Obama told Williams that he "can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead." Oh, and why is that, "Mister" "President"? Most likely because you can't plaster something to your forehead... if it doesn't exist.

Top German Banker: All Jews Share a Gene

Max Read · 08/30/10 02:01AM

A board member of Germany's central bank told the German paper Welt am Sontag that "all Jews share a certain gene." As you might imagine, everyone is feeling just great about a powerful German just sharing his opinion about Jews.

Should Foreign Names Be Allowed in the City Where Ground Zero Is?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/26/10 01:12PM

Your neighbors: can you trust them? Well, more than you could 100 years ago, when kindly "Mr. Smith" next door may have been a dirty German who changed his name. Today, foreigners just rub our faces in their un-American pronunciations.