
It's Fix-It Time At the New York Times

cityfile · 07/24/09 01:06PM

• How's the New York Times Co. planning to lift itself out of the financial mess it's been in? Times Co. chief Janet Robinson says more cuts are on the way and the company is planning to sell off more assets. Also, there's some sort of paid membership model in the works, apparently. [WSJ, Gawker]
• Related: The paper says it will sell its stake in the Red Sox by January. [BG]
• What you missed at Walter Cronkite's funeral yesterday. [NYT, WaPo]
• Best-selling author E. Lynn Harris has died. He was 54. [NYT]
More magazine is teaming up with Candace Bushnell on a new Web series starring 90210's Jennie Garth and Talia Balsam from Mad Men. [MW]
• After a ten-year run, today is Paula Froelich's last day at Page Six. [NYM]

Chris Matthews Almost Killed G. Gordon Liddy On Live Television

The Cajun Boy · 07/23/09 07:57PM

Chris Matthews had former Nixon henchman/radio talk show host/Birther G. Gordon Liddy on Hardball tonight to talk about the dumb Obama birth certificate controversy and Liddy looked as though he might die on the air while Matthews surgically debunked him.

Rachel Maddow Eviscerates Pat Buchanan Again

The Cajun Boy · 07/21/09 03:30AM

Remember last week when Pat Buchanan, noted fighter of white male oppression, went on Rachel Maddow's show and launched into one of the more staggeringly imbecilic rants in the history of political punditry? Last night Maddow re-visited that whole episode.

Pat Buchanan Thinks White Men Deserve So Much More

The Cajun Boy · 07/16/09 10:58PM

Oh Pat. Rachel Maddow had crazy ole "Uncle Pat" on her show tonight to discuss the Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination and Buchanan went over the dark side with a "white people built this country and deserve more" rant.

The Box Office, The Times, More Trouble at NBC

cityfile · 06/29/09 12:09PM

• Despite unkindly reviews from most critics, the Transformers sequel racked up $112 million at the box office over the weekend, bringing its five-day gross to more than $200 million. [THR]
• Don't worry too much about the New York Times going under. AdAge reports the paper should be in business until at least 2011. [AdAge]
• Viacom is not going to buy MySpace from News Corp., alas. [Reuters]
• NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker is so concerned about the situation at the company's film division, he's sending his CFO to LA to crack skulls. [NYP]
• More bad news for the TV biz: According to a new report, the industry faces a $2 billion ad slump over the next four years. [FT]
• Not only did the New York Times keep news of reporter David Rohde's kidnapping a secret, the paper kept it off of Wikipedia, too. [NYT]
• MSNBC's is hoping broadcasting in HD boosts ratings. [B&C]
• Kate Gosselin's next book has been postponed; you can guess why. [NYP]
• VH1 has two new hip-hop-themed reality shows in the works. [THR]

The Rant that Explains Why Dylan Ratigan Left CNBC

John Cook · 06/25/09 08:50AM

Dylan Ratigan's new MSNBC show launches next week. To judge by this audio, sent by a tipster, of Ratigan berating a producer during a commercial break, his new colleagues must be thrilled to have him.

Great Moments in Unprofessionalism: Covering Mark Sanford

Pareene · 06/24/09 05:00PM

So a live, rambling, out-of-left-field admission of adultery by a sitting US Governor is big news, and it is just the sort of thing our 24-hour news networks should love. Except Fox, which cut the feed.

The Times, The Oscars & The Facebook Movie

cityfile · 06/24/09 12:11PM

• New York Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson "isn't happy with the media." She'd also like to make it clear that the company is not currently up for sale, so please put your dollar bills back in your wallet, thank you very much. [MW]
• Ten movies will compete for Best Picture at the Oscars now, not 5. [THR]
• Sad: Dick Cheney landed a $2 million deal to publish his memoir. [NYT]
• Also sad: MSNBC, the illustrious home of blowhard Keith Olbermann, seems to think its tired prison docs are more important than covering Iran. [LAT]
• Director David Fincher is in talks to make a movie about Facebook. [Reuters]
• The always classy In Touch spent $75,000 to purchase photos of Kate Gosselin spanking her kids in public for its cover last week. [WWD, NYP]