When Tea Partiers and Liberal Activists Clash in a Public Park
Jim Newell · 07/22/11 12:23PMThe Washington Interest Group Wars produced a scuffle all the way out in Oregon last weekend, where a group of 18 liberal activists, organized by MoveOn, were meeting in a public park. Some brave Real Americans with the local chapter of Americans for Prosperity — the Koch brothers-funded Tea Party group — got wind of this meeting, heckled these "communists" away, and followed them to their new, private meeting place.
Kentucky Headstomper Wants Apology from Lady He Stomped On
Jim Newell · 10/27/10 10:47AMTea Partier Who Stomped Lady's Face: 'I'm Sorry It Came to That'
Maureen O'Connor · 10/26/10 04:02PMWoman's Head 'Stomped' at Kentucky Senate Debate
Max Read · 10/26/10 12:39AMLloyd Dobler Wants To Give You A "Pop Quiz"
Ryan Tate · 06/12/08 12:34AM
Oh hey, look, it's John Cusack, campaigning against John McCain in a ad! Cusack's War, Inc., which was a sort of Dr. Strangelove-meets-the-Iraq War, got weak reviews, but points to the actor for including a very, very difficult POP QUIZ in this commercial. Spoiler: The correct answer to every question is the same: "I have no idea, but Lloyd Dobler is DREAMY." Ad/quiz after the jump.
Giuliani Joins Fray Over 'Times' MoveOn Ad
Choire · 09/13/07 04:03PMIs the rate that the New York Times gave MoveOn for their full-page ad—$65,000, when the open rate is listed at $181,692—really going to turn into a scandal? Maybe, because wife-hungry proponent of fetus-killing Rudy Giuliani wants in now! Well, really, he just wants the same good rate they got. (Cheapskate.) Oddly enough, Rudy Giuliani is not either a registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit—like MoveOn, and the NRA!—or going through firms that buy ad space in bulk, so he probably won't get it! Oh also he's super-rich!