Tea Partier Who Stomped Lady's Face: 'I'm Sorry It Came to That'

Now that we've identified the Tea Partier who wrestled a female protester to the ground at Kentucky's Senate debate, how about the guy who trod on her face? Meet Tim Profitt. He once had his picture taken with Rand Paul.
Tim Profitt is a Rand Paul volunteer from Kentucky's Bourbon County. He admits to being the man who stepped on MoveOn.org activist Lauren Valle's face while fellow Rand Paul supporter Mike Pezzano held her pinned to the ground outside the Kentucky Senate debate. He told the Associated Press he's sorry, sort of.
I'm sorry that it came to that, and I apologize if it appeared overly forceful, but I was concerned about Rand's safety. A friend of mine went up to three policeman before Rand got there, and told them about the girl who was standing there with that wig on and that she was getting ready to do something. The policemen looked at him and said that's not our job.
A self-important vigilante who thinks stepping on the face of a "girl" who is pinned to the ground is a necessary safety precaution? Nevermind open carry laws (which Profitt's woman-wrestling sidekick supports), these guys are walking arguments against the 2nd Amendment. They can't even be trusted with their own feet.
Profitt says he spoke to the police, who have yet to charge him with a crime. [AP, P1Kentucky, image via @SandiBehrns]
Meet the Gun-Toting Tea Partier Who Beat Up a Woman at Rand Paul's Debate
Woman's Head 'Stomped' at Kentucky Senate Debate