The (ex-)Rand Paul county coordinator who stomped on a liberal activist's head before a Kentucky Senate debate Monday night would like an apology from her. She started it and was basically asking for it, you see.

Here is this man, Tim Profitt, the former Bourbon county coordinator for the Paul campaign who applied foot-to-head on Lauren Valle, a protester from MoveOn in Washington D.C., saying that his time-out should be over and the girl should be put in time-out instead:

"I don't think it's that big of a deal," Profitt said. "I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you."

"She's a professional at what she does," Profitt added, "and I think when all the facts come out, I think people will see that she was the one that initiated the whole thing."

I think we all can agree that yes, she was trying to get near Rand Paul for some sort of obnoxious, non-physical stunt. Activists are generally annoying. But she probably did not plan on initiating the sequence in which her head was stomped on after being thrown to the ground, injuring her. So she does not need to apologize to the headstomper, probably.


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