
John McCain on 2012 Presidential Race: Ooh, That's Nasty

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 02:31PM

John McCain knows a thing or two about nasty. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, he reflected on the current campaigns for a Republican presidential candidate to face off against Obama in November. Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich have all been criticized for waging war against each other in the form of attack ads in key primary states.

Bid on Burnt Toast With Image of Mitt Romney and Satan Shaking Hands

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 10:55AM

This is one of those things where you have to really squint to see it — except even squinting is no guarantee. A tipster sent in this eBay listing for "IMAGE OF MITT ROMNEY AND SATAN SHAKING HANDS ON PIECE OF TOAST." An intriguing find, to be sure, but whatever image the toast advertises is subtle, to say the least. It mostly just looks like a piece of toast. And with an $88.40 shipping fee, it's an expensive piece of toast.

Crowd at Santorum Rally Horrified When Two Dudes Kiss Each Other

Louis Peitzman · 03/17/12 01:04PM

Santorum's virgin eyes have been tarnished by sin — as a protest against the Republican presidential candidate's vehemently anti-gay policies, two men got the attention of the crowd at an Illinois rally and kissed each other. Guards removed the men from the gym as the crowd chanted "U-S-A." Because nothing is more American than repression.

Stephen Colbert Translates the Right's Supposedly Plain Spoken Rhetoric

Matt Toder · 03/13/12 11:06PM

When they think the President has said something they can jump on, the likes of Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum pounce with everything they've got. Unfortunately for those three, Stephen Colbert is around to point out how moronic their criticisms usually are, as he did on tonight's Colbert Report.

Romney and Gingrich Let Santorum Win Kansas

Louis Peitzman · 03/10/12 03:50PM

It's Rick Santorum's turn to win a caucus, and he is close to doing that in Kansas. Granted, this process of selecting a Republican presidential candidate is not a turn-based system, but in this case, Santorum does owe his competitors a debt of gratitude for giving him a big leg-up.

Stephen Colbert Panics as His 'Countdown to Loving Mitt' Clock Nearly Hits Zero

Matt Toder · 03/08/12 12:44AM

In preparation for last night's Super Tuesday contests, Stephen Colbert had created the 'countdown to loving Mitt' based on the assumption that Romney would be the presumptive nominee after the votes were counted. Since that wasn't the case, on tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen was able to reset the clock but not before panicking in much the same way many Republican voters seem to be panicking.

Listen to the Latest Crazy Gay-Hating Santorum Robocall

John Cook · 03/06/12 04:09PM

Did you know that Mitt Romney is a homo-loving pro-gay fetishist who wants your children to be taught by cross-dressing gay soldiers? That's the upshot of a bizarre new pro- Santorum robocall going out to Ohio voters today.

This Has Been One 'Hard Fart Primary,' According to Rep. Eric Cantor

Emma Carmichael · 03/05/12 10:15AM

Virginia congressman Eric Cantor went on Meet the Press yesterday to endorse Mitt Romney, and he said "fart" instead of "fought." The representative has a point, of course. The GOP primary race has essentially been one giant, continuous, squelching fart joke. [Via]

Republican Nominees Distance Themselves From Rush Limbaugh

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 11:00AM

Yesterday — in the wake of losing several sponsors — Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute." Fluke had the audacity to argue in front of Congress that her employer's health care coverage should cover her birth control. Since Limbaugh made his apology, notable Republicans have stepped forward to agree that Limbaugh's comments were out of line, and that the conservative talk show host does not speak for the Republican party as a whole.

Santorum Remains Very Concerned About How You Raise Your Family

Louis Peitzman · 03/03/12 03:55PM

Campaigning in Ohio, Rick Santorum has kept his focus firmly on family values as opponent Mitt Romney concentrates on the economy. Santorum's biggest concern: families without one father and one mother. (He didn't actually adress gay families in his speech, but you can probably guess how he feels about that.)

Bill Maher Explains the Bubbles Both Republicans and Democrats Live In

Matt Toder · 03/02/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher ended his show with a short rant about the bubbles that both sides of the political aisle live in. The Conservative bubble is well established, but Maher believes that the Liberals live in one too, one where they don't think President Obama can lose on account of what jokes Romney and Santorum are. As Maher reminds us, there was another joke candidate no one thought had a chance a few years ago: George W. Bush.

Stephen Colbert Kicks off the 'Countdown to Loving Mitt'

Matt Toder · 03/01/12 12:03AM

Stephen Colbert knows that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for President and that there's no turning back once Super Tuesday comes and goes. In preparation for the inevitability, tonight on the Colbert Report, he launched 'the Countdown to Loving Mitt.'