
Louis Peitzman · 08/11/12 09:52AM

Tim Pawlenty is being a good sport about not getting chosen as Romney's VP: he'll be campaigning at an ice cream social.

Mitt Romney Mispronounced 'Sikh' Earlier Today

Taylor Berman · 08/07/12 08:08PM

Mitt Romney got a bit confused earlier today over the pronunciation of "Sikh" while discussing the recent tragedy in Wisconsin. According to the Associated Press, instead of correctly prouncing Sikh like "seek," he instead said "sheek" or "sheik," which is another name for an Arab leader. While confusing Arabs with Sikhs is perhaps not uncommon for some of Romney's supporters, it seems fair to say that this was probably an honest mistake; his people were quick to point out that the Republican presidential nominee prounounced "Sikh" correctly earlier in the week. But still, man, get it together, Mitt.

Louis Peitzman · 08/04/12 09:18AM

Clint Eastwood is endorsing Mitt Romney. But he also endorsed Gran Torino and Hereafter, so consider the source.

Hey, Mitt Romney, Your Horse Didn't Win the Olympics

Max Read · 08/02/12 12:02PM

Mitt Romney didn't watch his wife's horse Rafalca compete in the Olympics — "I'm not even sure which day the sport goes on," he said to NBC last week. "I will not be watching the event. I hope her horse does well." —so it falls to us to break the news to him: Mitt, the horse participated in dressage today. And it did well, but it didn't medal.

Mitt Romney Ends His 2012 Casual Racism European Tour

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/01/12 11:30AM

Mitt Griswold's European vacation is, mercifully, at an end. The family jet, the Mittlennium Rafalcon has been returned to the hangar, and men in blue coveralls are hosing the streaks of dogshit off the tailfin. The Wagon Queen Family Truckster is in the garage. Rest.