
Our Prayers Have Been Answered

Jessica · 01/27/06 10:26AM

After a crippling childhood bout of Joel Stein Disease left her permanently retarded, we're happy to report that Michelle Malkin has finally made a little progress. Before long, she'll able to eat paste without assistance.

'NYT' Really Digs That Actress, What's Her Name?

Jesse · 01/20/06 11:26AM

We saw The Little Dog Laughed, Douglas Carter Beane's hilarious new play about a high-powered Hollywood agent determined not to let her closeted client's coming-out process destroy his career, a few weeks ago at the Second Stage Theater, and we can assure you that Julie White, who plays the agent, gives a performance every bit as commanding and delightful as the Times says she does in its profile of her today.

The Alessandra Stanley Watch: Welcome to 2006!

Jesse · 01/13/06 12:05PM

We're so ashamed we missed this on Wednesday, especially because it was such a momentous event. Only 11 days into 2006, Alessandra Stanley clocked her first Times correction of the year:

In Book Publishing, Edits Are Important

Jesse · 01/06/06 04:27PM

There are many reasons why Hyperion's publisher should have remembered to turn off "track changes" before emailing out a press release.

'Us Weekly:' So Sweet, So Woefully Misguided

Jessica · 01/04/06 03:11PM

The spanking-new issue of Us Weekly has a fantastic piece on the diet tricks of teen starlet Lindsay Lohan. What timing — Vanity Fair has a similar article in its latest issue. So how does Lindsay stay slim?

No One Can Out-Wrong the 'Post'

Jesse · 01/04/06 10:05AM

On a morning when nearly all the media were wrong about the fate of the trapped miners, because they all received misinformation from the mining company, it's nice to see that the New York Post can live up to its reputation and be even wronger than everyone else.

Lots of Things Compare 2 U

Jessica · 12/14/05 08:05AM

The picture at right is featured (in an alarmingly large fashion, we might add) in the Village Voice with the caption, "The inimitable Sinead O'Connor."


Jessica · 11/22/05 08:47AM

According to a very indignant Drudge Report, CNN repeatedly flashed a large "X" over Vice-President Cheney's face during a live speech aired yesterday.