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We saw The Little Dog Laughed, Douglas Carter Beane's hilarious new play about a high-powered Hollywood agent determined not to let her closeted client's coming-out process destroy his career, a few weeks ago at the Second Stage Theater, and we can assure you that Julie White, who plays the agent, gives a performance every bit as commanding and delightful as the Times says she does in its profile of her today.

In fact, the paper was so thoroughly impressed with White's star turn that it even manages to get her name right a whole four times in the 700-word piece (plus hed and caption).

On the other hand, that's two less than the six times she's inexplicably called "Ms. Wilson."

Apparently Stanleyitis is contagious.

Julie White, Killer Agent, in 'The Little Dog Laughed' [NYT]
Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Alessandra Stanley