
Tim Pawlenty and the Curse of the Muslim Mortgages

Jim Newell · 03/25/11 12:58PM

The threat of sharia, or Islamic law, to America's cities, towns, and way of life in general is going to be a major debate topic among Republican presidential candidates this cycle. More than a dozen states have been working to pass anti-Sharia laws, and we should expect to see more state ballot measures in 2012. It's a big thing in Republican politics these days. So wait until GOP primary voters hear about Tim Pawlenty's old plan to boost sharia-compliant mortgages, so Muslims could own houses! Oh, yikes.

Vandal Clothes Renaissance Painting of Venus

Maureen O'Connor · 02/25/11 01:42PM

For the first time in the history of red spray paint in the vicinity of a poster girl's breasts, a vandal made a billboard less sexual. To advertise an exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the billboard in Long Lake, MN featured a 16th-century Titian painting of Venus. The vandal painted a red tube top over Venus' breasts and commented, "Brrr!"

This Mitsubishi Has a Case of the Mondays

Matt Cherette · 11/29/10 01:54PM

It's the Monday after a holiday. Naturally, everybody is a bit off. Sort of like this Mitsubishi 3G Eclipse, which—after some freezing rain in Minnesota last week—tried (and failed) to park on a nearly flat driveway. Watch inside.

Meet John Brady, America's Drunkest Mayor

Max Read · 08/26/10 12:24AM

John Brady—mayor of Mankato, Minnesota—was recently arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated. And leaving the scene of an accident. And driving with an open container of alcohol (vodka). His blood-alcohol level? Three times the legal limit.

Minnesota Gets Hit With Multiple Tornadoes

Jeff Neumann · 08/08/10 01:30PM

Storms in North Dakota and Minnesota set off tornadoes yesterday, picking up cars and leveling homes, with one tornado reportedly lasting 30 minutes. A storm chaser shot video of one tornado ripping up a farm house near Campbell, Minnesota.

Who is the Hero Who Threw Tomatoes at Sarah Palin?

Adrian Chen · 12/07/09 08:49PM

Currently, Jeremy Paul Olson languishes in a Minnesota jail for the crime of throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin today. Although he missed Palin's face, Jeremy struck a chord strung through the center of our heart: Who are you, brave tomato-thrower?

Let's Not Forget About Michele Bachmann!

Pareene · 11/18/09 02:57PM

Everyone is paying so much attention to one crazy liar lady that they have forgotten all about the other one, the one who still holds elected office! Thankfully, Michele Bachmann is stepping up the crazy.

Teabaggers Ambush, Listen Politely To Al Franken

Pareene · 09/04/09 08:53AM

This is like the "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out" of health care town hall viral videos. According to the videographer/blogger, a dozen teabaggers staked out Al Franken's booth at the Great Minnesota Get-Together ready to boo and hiss and shout "socialism!" and all of those things that they have been doing, everywhere.