Who is the Hero Who Threw Tomatoes at Sarah Palin?

Currently, Jeremy Paul Olson languishes in a Minnesota jail for the crime of throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin today. Although he missed Palin's face, Jeremy struck a chord strung through the center of our heart: Who are you, brave tomato-thrower?
Most of what we know comes from this brief Fox News report:
A man was arrested for allegedly throwing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin from the second floor balcony during a book signing event at the Mall of America in Minnesota, MyFoxTwinCities.com. reported.
Neither tomato came close hitting the former 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, but did hit a police officer in the face, the station reported.
The unidentified man may face charges for assaulting a police officer, according to the station.
We called the Bloomington, MN jail and a bored-sounding officer answered the phone, apparently indifferent to the feat of produce-based heroics that had occurred just down the road. He told us the perp's name was Jeremy Paul Olson, that he didn't give a permanent residence, and that he was working alone. He also said Olson will be in court tomorrow to face charges of disorderly conduct and assault on a police officer, "since that's who he hit."
"It would have been the same if [Palin] wasn't there," said the officer. Oh no it wouldn't. If anyone has information on the tomato-wielding Real American Hero Jeremy Paul Olson, please email us. Who is this man? What motivated him to throw tomatoes at Sarah Palin? And most importantly: How could he miss!?
Jeremy Paul Olson, we salute you.
UPDATE: a photo of the man himself: