
Cord Jefferson · 11/13/13 06:20PM

Four Marines were killed in a training accident today at Southern California's Camp Pendleton. Few other details have been released, but base officials said the accident occurred during "a range maintenance operation," according to the AP. A mortar explosion killed seven Marines training in Nevada only eight months ago.

Cord Jefferson · 11/11/13 07:35PM

Military suicides have fallen by more than 22 percent this year, though the Associated Press reports that officials "still don't fully understand" why troops kill themselves. On October 27 there had been 245 suicides by active-duty service members this year, down from 316 during the same period in 2012.

Veterans, Homelessness, and the Long Road Back

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/13 03:23PM

Curtis Peterson, a veteran of Operation Desert Storm, lost his civilian job in Georgia in the recession. So he got on a bus to New York. Once here, he promptly had a stroke. Today, he considers himself one of the lucky ones.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/06/13 12:27PM

The Pentagon is calling back around 350,000 furloughed employees this week, cutting the number of furloughed government workers almost in half. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel justified the recall by liberally interpreting the Pay Our Military Act, which covers members of the military and the civilians who provide them direct support.

The Army Desperately Needs More Killer Robots

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/13 08:14AM

The United States spends more money on its military than the next ten biggest-spending nations combined. So why, oh why, has the brave American taxpayer not yet been rewarded with squads of killer walking robots, like in the movies?

True Stories from Veterans: "The Dark Corners of My Mind"

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/13 02:30PM

We are collecting and publishing true stories from U.S. military veterans about their experiences on the homefront, dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the aftereffects of military service. This week: PTSD survivors speak out.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 08:14AM

A nation breathes a sigh of relief as missile porn returns to the news cycle.

True Stories From Veterans: "My Name is Dominic, and I'm a Psycho"

Hamilton Nolan · 08/26/13 12:45PM

The US Department of Veterans Affairs is struggling to improve its backlog of hundreds of thousands of claims from injured veterans. Meanwhile, the veterans themselves struggle with physical and mental trauma. These are true stories from U.S. military veterans about their battle on the home front.

PTSD and Me: True Stories From Military Veterans

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/13 02:53PM

Last week, we asked military veterans to send us their stories of life after war— their experiences returning home and seeking health care and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Today, we offer you some of their stories.

We Want Veterans to Share True Stories of the VA

Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/13 02:34PM

For many U.S. military veterans, returning home from war means it's time to begin another battle: the fight to receive proper physical and mental health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs. We want to hear firsthand stories from veterans about their experiences and struggles with the VA.

U.S. Military Will Stop Cyber-Terrorists From Figuring Out You’re Gay

J.K. Trotter · 08/13/13 12:58PM

The Department of Defense recently posted a call for proposals—due by September 25—to combat “the national security threat posed by public data available either for purchase or through open sources.” For its only example, the DoD pointed to a 2009 lawsuit against Netflix for allegedly outing a lesbian after programmers reverse-engineered the site’s famously robust recommendation engine:

Study: Military Suicides Not Correlated With Military Deployment

Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/13 09:35AM

Ever since the beginning of the "War on Terror" and its associated actual wars, suicides among members of the U.S. military have been rising. Suicide is now the leading cause of death for soldiers; among veterans, it's just as bad. But a new study says that military deployments are not the cause.

The Air Force Desperately Needs More Fighter Pilots

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/13 08:38AM

It used to be that every red-blooded young boy watched Top Gun and dreamed of growing up to be a fighter pilot, though hopefully not one killed during an emergency ejection. Today, the Air Force cannot get enough fighter pilots to fill its fancy planes.