
Navy Accidentally Emails Reporter Its Plans to Deny His FOIA Request

Adam Weinstein · 01/07/14 02:43PM

Email. We love it, until it burns us. Like when you think you're sending instructions to a coworker on how to whittle down a pesky reporter's request for federal records related to the Washington Navy Yard shooting, and you realize too late that you emailed them to the reporter himself.

Adam Weinstein · 01/06/14 04:30PM

If you read only one gripping, short first-person essay trying to make sense of how America's last significant gains in a dumb war were reversed last week, make it "Tell Me Again, Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?" by Paul Szoldra.

Marines Quietly Conclude That Women Sort of Suck at Doing Pullups

Adam Weinstein · 12/31/13 11:00AM

As the Marine Corps inches closer to permitting women into ground combat roles, the service is delaying its 2014 plan to require female Marines to do three pullups. The reason: Women haven't proven very good at the exercise so far.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/13 10:28AM

In California—the state with the most military veterans—veterans under age 35 have a higher death rate than active duty service members, and are twice as likely as civilians to commit suicide or die in a car crash.

Female Soldiers Were Goaded Into Prostitution on Texas Army Base

Adam Weinstein · 12/04/13 05:00PM

Several "young, cash-strapped female privates" from Ft. Hood testified this week that they were pressured to prostitute themselves to superiors—and that the senior soldier who pressed them was his unit's sexual assault prevention officer.

The Air Force Is Bullying Its Cadets Into a Secret Snitch Program

Adam Weinstein · 12/02/13 10:46AM

The Air Force Academy's Honor Code states that its cadets "will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate among us anyone who does." But the service apparently suspended that code when it forced mostly minority students to spy on their classmates to catch suspected drug users and sex offenders—only to forget all about them after they've been used as informants.

U.S. Flies B-52 Bombers Over Disputed Chinese Air-Defense Zone

Adam Weinstein · 11/26/13 12:53PM

The United States challenged China's newly-declared defense zone over a disputed set of Pacific islands by flying two Air Force B-52 bombers over it Monday night, an official told WSJ. The official added: "The flight was without incident." But that doesn't mean a larger dispute couldn't spill over into the holiday.

Your Local Cops Are Probably Out Buying Ex-Iraq Death Trucks Right Now

Adam Weinstein · 11/25/13 02:59PM

This is an MRAP, a mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle. It didn't exist until well into the Iraq War, when we went to war with the Army we had, and that Army's Humvees didn't survive very well. We bought a lot of MRAPs. The Iraq War is over. Now, how many of these MRAPs can we put your police down for?

It's No Surprise the Air Force Academy Has a Gay Conversion Therapist

Adam Weinstein · 11/21/13 10:55AM

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is dead, so opponents of gay military equality have to fine-tune their message again. Or to simply conceal it behind a veneer of "character" pseudoscience. Which probably explains why the once-gay Dr. Mike Rosebush has a job teaching leadership to future Air Force officers.

Cord Jefferson · 11/19/13 02:53PM

As the Army prepares to integrate women into ground combat positions, an internal Army email says it's best to use "average-looking women" in media materials so as not to give the wrong impression: "In general, ugly women are perceived as competent while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to get ahead."