
Marines Jailed For Trying to Help Out a Couple of Nice Lesbians

Seth Abramovitch · 10/18/11 01:55AM

Despite the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, the Marine Corps still fails to recognize gay and lesbian marriages as "real" marriages. For Marine Cpl. Ashley Vice and her civilian partner, Jaime Murphy, that meant they would not be eligible for the $1,200-a-month housing allowance made available to straight married Marines.

Vet to NYPD Officers: 'How Do You Sleep at Night?'

Lauri Apple · 10/17/11 04:56AM

Here's a veteran, identified as U.S. Marine Sergeant Shamar Thomas, confronting New York Police Department officers during Saturday night's protests to ask them why they've been arresting Occupy Wall Streeters instead of defending the right to protest. A valid question! "How do you sleep at night?" he asks them. "There is no honor in this."

Soldiers Are Metrosexuals Now

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 10:38AM

Following the U.S. Army's establishment of a wuss workout program and, more broadly, the year-long erosion of American masculinity, it's little wonder that our nation's fighting forces are now more concerned with eyebrow grooming than with removing the digits of enemy soldiers to bring home as souvenirs. Is America's metrosexual Army going to be able to endure the harsh skin-drying effects of the Middle Eastern climate?

Prince Harry Is Now in America

Richard Lawson · 10/07/11 03:24PM

Alert! Alert! Ginger prince alert! England's Prince Harry, younger brother of old married Duke of Cambridge William, has arrived in the United States. Ladies, go crazy.

Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet

Remy Stern · 10/07/11 01:34PM

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America's Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones.

What Impact Will Anwar Al-Awlaki's Death Have In The West?

TPM · 10/01/11 09:30AM

The death of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric linked to al Qaeda's operations in Yemen, is likely to impact American Arabs and Muslims in positive fashion, according to Dr. Hussein Ibish, former communications director for the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Commitee.

You Should Probably Start Preparing For War With Pakistan

John Cook · 09/27/11 01:20PM

Because we've been in a low-grade one, it appears, for years. Now that Adm. Mike Mullen has publicly accused Pakistan's intelligence agency of helping attack the U.S. embassy in Kabul, stories of heretofore secret Pakistani malfeasance are starting to leak out. It's almost like someone wants to start a war or something.

Jon Stewart Celebrates the End of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Matt Cherette · 09/20/11 10:43PM

Two months after its repeal was certified by President Obama, today marked the official end of the nearly 18-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy precluding gays from serving openly in the military. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart celebrated the end of DADT by shaming it for existing in the first place: "That's how ridiculous this policy was... the apology for the affront is, 'All right, sorry, you can go to Afghanistan and fight for your country!'"

The Story of the 9/11 Air Force Kamikaze Pilot

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/11 08:46AM

It seems like we've heard every last story remotely connected to the events of 9/11. But I'd never heard this one: the one about the female fighter pilot who came thisclose to a patriotic suicide mission that day.

Military Base to Host Atheism-Themed Concert

Jim Newell · 08/08/11 01:41PM

Here's a big of news to get the cranks all hot and bothered: The atheists are taking over America's military! Specifically for one day on one base, Fort Bragg, next spring, for an "atheism concert." Take that, God.

Obama Certifies End of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Jim Newell · 07/22/11 04:13PM

President Obama certified the Pentagon's official notice of readiness to end the ban on gays in the military today. Members of the armed forces can start shouting about their gayness from the highest Afghani hilltops on September 20.

HuffPo Rehires Its Most Scapegoated Employee

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/11 01:41PM

In your sultry Wednesday media column: HuffPo's scapegoat gets her job back, WSJ reporters mildly defend themselves, Tablet magazine redesigns, a military reporter reflects on death, and Jim Romenesko is the new Yelp.

Mila Kunis' Marine Date: 'I Always Thought I Had a Chance'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/13/11 02:11AM

On Monday, we brought you the heartwarming story of Sgt. Scott Moore, a US Marine stationed in Afghanistan who posted a no-frills YouTube invitation to Mila Kunis, asking her to join him as his date to the Marine Corps Birthday Ball (held November 12 at the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center in Maryland). Her Friends With Benefits costar Justin Timberlake convinced her to say yes during a live interview, and word quickly trickled back to Moore. The Corps has now sent out an official interview, in which Moore reacts to the exciting news that he's now just a couple bases short of catching up with Natalie Portman: