
A Brief Note Regarding the Upcoming Film 'Act of Valor'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/12 02:56PM

Osama bin Laden was killed by a team of Navy SEALS on May 2, 2011. About a month later, Relativity Media purchased the rights to the fictional Navy SEAL-centric action movie "Act of Valor," for a sum that was "arguably the biggest money paid for a finished film with an unknown cast." That unknown cast is made up partly of active duty Navy SEALs. The movie's trailer was "shown on the official website of the video game Battlefield 3." The movie will be released on President's Day.

Anonymous' Latest Release Includes Private Info About Sexual Assault Victims and Guantanamo Lawyers

John Cook · 02/03/12 04:50PM

Earlier today, Anonymous announced what sounded like an awesome caper: The group had compromised the email of a law firm that represented Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, the Marine squad leader who got a slap on the wrist for his role in the Haditha massacre. Trouble is, the hack had a lot of collateral victims, including people that Anonymous might normally be aligned with. Like a lawyer for Guantanamo detainees.

Disappeared Expat Silk King had CIA Connections

Danny Gold · 01/18/12 06:59PM

Denis D. Gray at the AP has a rundown on a new book out about the fascinating exploits of alleged spy Jim Thompson in Southeast Asia. A well known titan of the silk industry, Thompson disappeared in 1967 after going for a walk in the Malaysian highlands. Rumors abound about his death, including that he was eaten by a tiger or killed by the CIA. If those are the rumors surrounding your death, there's a good chance your life was pretty eventful.

Democrats to Legalize Military Dog Fucking

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/11 09:11AM

Congratulations, America: you've gotten what you wished for. You elected Barack "Hussein" Obama as commander in chief. He quickly allowed homosexuals to serve as proud members of the US Armed Forces, standing buttock-to-buttock in foxholes next to normal young American boys. (After the war is over, they can marry, now.) It was only a matter of time before our fighting men were encouraged to start fucking dogs.

Hero Marine Sues Defense Giant After Sniper Scope Fight

Wired · 11/29/11 07:30PM

Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is perhaps this country's best-recognized war hero, a man who risked his life over and over again to save his buddies from a Taliban ambush. That's why he's the only living Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor - the nation's highest award for valor - for his actions in Afghanistan or Iraq. It's undoubtedly one reason why the defense giant BAE Systems hired Meyer after he left the Corps.

How Egypt Justifies Its Brutal Crackdown: Occupy Wall Street

Max Read · 11/20/11 09:58AM

Two people were killed in Cairo and Alexandria this weekend as Egyptian activists took the streets to protest the military's attempts to maintain its grip on power. And guess how the state is justifying its deadly crackdown.

'Communists' Throw Paint All Over Hillary Clinton's Convoy

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 01:59PM

Okay, it was fine when it was just the naked guy running around Hillary Clinton, but now what's this latest distraction for Hillary Clinton on her trip to the Pacific? Some "youthful, left-wing protesters" have sabotaged her convoy with red paint, in the Phillipines! Fortunately, everyone survived.

Timberlake on His Marine Corps Ball Experience: It 'Changed My Life'

Lauri Apple · 11/14/11 04:42AM

Not only did Justin Timberlake keep his promise to attend Saturday night's Marine Corps Ball in Richmond, Va., but he also wrote a lovely recap of his evening in which he shows humility and respect for his soldier-hosts. It might even make you teary-eyed.

Obama: Troops Will Be Out of Iraq by Year's End

Jim Newell · 10/21/11 12:36PM

President Obama announced that he'll pull (very nearly) all 41,000 remaining U.S. troops in Iraq by the end of the year, fulfilling his earliest campaign promise and finally wrapping this whole debacle up. This is fine news.

Stephen Colbert Defends Bill O'Reilly Against Evil Book-Burning Troops

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 01:55AM

Under the guise of a program called "Books for the Troops," Bill O'Reilly strong-arms viewers into buying his latest bestseller by promising to send a copy of each one sold to American soldiers serving overseas. Of course, that doesn't mean the troops actually want the books, as we learned Wednesday when one serviceman in Afghanistan posted a photo online of scores of O'Reilly's Pinheads & Patriots burning in a trash bin. How rude! Thankfully, Stephen Colbert was at attention on tonight's Report to set the pinheaded troops straight.