
Michael Phelps Wins His Second Medal in DUI

Aleksander Chan · 09/30/14 11:10AM

Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps was pulled over by Maryland police early this morning and arrested on a DUI charge, TMZ reports. He was apparently stopped by officers around 1:40 a.m. in a white Range Rover, driving 84 in a 45 zone, and allegedly failed a field sobriety test with a BAC of almost twice the legal limit.

Emma Carmichael · 08/01/12 04:00PM

The Nation of Michael Phelps now has 19 Olympic medals, tied for 57th in the all-time Summer Games list. India has 21.

Lindsay Lohan to Pose Naked with Alcohol-Monitoring SCRAM Bracelet

Maureen O'Connor · 06/22/10 09:32AM

Lohan's people will probably airbrush the SCRAM out of her nudie pics, but hopefully there will be outtakes. The Bachelor breaks up with his reality TV-anointed wife. Everybody who's anybody is posting Miley Cyrus crotch pictures, now. Tuesday gossip cometh.

George Michael Arrested, Beyoncé Goes Back to School

cityfile · 08/17/09 06:03AM

• George Michael is back in the news and, as usual, it has nothing to do with his music. The singer was arrested on Friday for driving drunk when he crashed his car into a truck. Michael, however, is insisting he was sober at the time. So maybe he's just a bad driver? [NYDN, E!]
• Is Joe Simpson trying to push the producers of American Idol to hire Jessica Simpson to replace Paula Abdul? That's the rumor. [P6]
• Amy Winehouse's soon-to-be ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil says the singer has been "begging him to get back together." Uh oh. [DM]
Beyoncé has been brushing up on her dance skills by "secretly" enrolling in ballet lessons at the Alvin Ailey School of Dance. [NYDN]