Earlier tonight Olympic stoner Michael Phelps was involved in a car accident in downtown Baltimore. Now we've learned that the precise location of the accident took place in heart of Baltimore's tranny-hooker district.

As details of the accident have emerged, it's been reported that all parties involved are okay physically and that there were no drugs or alcohol involved (Phelps is on probation for a previous DUI), thankfully. Now a tipster with knowledge of the local geography wrote in to shine some UV light on the intersection where Phelps crashed his car:

The site of the accident is two blocks north of where I used to live, in the heart of the tranny hooker district in lovely downtown baltimore where the girls with something extra work the corner in cheap lingerie like extras from a vanity six video, and calvert only runs north - therefore, if phelps was traveling on calvert at the time of the accident, he may have been leaving the tranny hooker district !!!

The other possible explanation is that the 83 was so backed up with traffic (The Ravens and Redskins played a preseason football game in Baltimore tonight) that Phelps was traveling the "back roads" to avoid traffic.

calvert is just one of the few good ways out of the harbor area going back towards the burbs if the 83 is backed up, so he could have been coming from anywhere downtown really - but, hell, if he was going north on calvert then heck yeah, he went right thru the trannie hooker district - about two blocks long, centered at calvert and eager.

So was Michael Phelps trolling for a tranny tonight? It's highly doubtful, but it sure as hell makes for some fun reckless speculation, doesn't it? Also, this information should give Anderson Cooper something to be hopeful about, and everyone needs a little hope in their life.

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