
Shia And The Real Girl

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/17/08 03:10PM

Click to At the world premiere for his latest film, Eagle Eye, Shia LaBeouf brought a unique guest along with him: an anatomically correct, life-sized Megan Fox doll. Fox wanted to attend the premiere with her Transformers co-star, but scheduling conflicts prevented her from making it last night. So in order to show Shia that she still cares, Fox spent the afternoon being poked and prodded by the Transformers special FX wizards. While she felt that the team got a little bit handsy during the molding sessions, she was assured that it was completely necessary in order to create the fully working and stunningly lifelike doll. LaBeouf was initially disappointed when he learned that Fox was cancelling on him, but that feeling was quickly replaced with delight when he discovered the foxy clone in his trailer. Reportedly, he has been making the most of his new present. LaBeouf said, “Looks like somebody will be riding in the carpool lane from now on.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

'No Nikita': Megan Fox's Crush Missing From Body Shop's Stripper Database

STV · 09/16/08 05:25PM

Megan Fox's bracing candor in the new issue of GQ continued to captivate readers today, with her stripper-wooing antics and confession that "Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands" stirring both deep resentments and arousal among animal-loving lesbian fetishists around the world. The sexless Defamer investigative crew, meanwhile, had more specific interests in mind: Olivia Wilde is lovely enough, but who exactly is "Nikita," the Body Shop stripper Fox claimed to have had a brief, intense fling after relocating to LA a few years ago at age 18? It's funny — when we called The Body Shop this afternoon, a veteran employee there wondered the same thing!Told about the Fox story and asked if he knew a Nikita, the man who answered the phone replied in brusque, Slavic-accented tones. "No," he said."No Nikita." This would have been back around 2004, maybe 2005. We know it was a long time ago, but — "No, we haven't had Nikita. But lots of girls come and go." He said he'd been there 13 years, but responded with silence when asked his name and position. "Everybody's coming and going. They work one day, two days, one week. It's like this." But no Nikita? "No." Click. We were worried about this, particularly after Fox doth protested too much to her interviewer about her high-octane acknowledgment projecting "a Lindsay Lohan vibe" and asking, "Are you going to push an ‘Is she a lesbian' angle?" Well, kind of, though we'd technically need another girl before buying into all the Aerosmith ballad-dancing and Fox's lovelorn urgings to Nikita to leave the lifestyle. Still — we want to believe! If "yes Nikita," there surely must be some Body Shop regular or former patron who can put a name to the date or — better yet — a face to the name. Operators are standing by! [Photo Credit: GQ]

Megan Fox on Dicks, Disney, and the Female Stripper Who Broke Her Teenage Heart

Kyle Buchanan · 09/15/08 07:30PM

Though the upcoming Diablo Cody thriller Jennifer's Body may cover up more of actress Megan Fox than people were expecting, at least Fox makes up for it by exposing herself in the latest edition of GQ. Few subjects are left untouched in the wide-ranging interview, whether it's her boyfriend's penis ("Who’s given a hand job since seventh grade? Not me"), Disney ("Fuck Disney"), or her Transformers director (when asked if the Transformers sequel will give the actress more to do, Fox flatly responds, "Transformers 2 is directed by Michael Bay"). Still, most tongues will wag when Fox recalls the female stripper she fell in love with at LA's full-frontal emporium The Body Shop when she was just 18:

'Whore' The 'Citizen Kane' Of Streetwalker Movies Starring Megan Fox And Rumer Willis

Seth Abramovitch · 08/22/08 04:00PM

There are those for whom the title Whore means one film and one alone: Ken Russell's fearless exploration of the oldest profession, in which Richard Gere never arrives to sweep a gold-hearted streetwalker off her feet. But that was 1991, a whole generation ago, and few who show up to 2008's Whore are likely to even recall the original, much less force a comparison. Written, directed, produced, edited and color-timed by Thomas Dekker—yes, that Thomas Dekker, of John Connor-in-primetime fame and The Sashay Chante Chronicles—it features Megan Fox, Rumer Willis, and Ron Jeremy in a movie about a "large group of teens living on the streets of Hollywood and selling their bodies to stay alive." We present for you the key art, the arresting image of a bitch who had to be choked, presumably by uncredited cameo Wayne Brady.

We Must Buff The LaBeouf!

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/21/08 02:15PM

In addition to catching an eyeful of Megan Fox upon his return to the Transformers set, Shia LaBeouf also received a very thorough and meticulous ass buffing with an industrial strength feather duster. In the midst of his ass buffing, LaBeouf said, "Michael Bay really knows how to make an actor feel welcomed. At first, it's a weird sensation, but after awhile, it feels like a tiny kitten delightfully romping in a dewy meadow." Although, the first shot of the day was delayed for a couple of moments when the crew realized that LaBeouf enjoyed his buffing a bit too much.

Katherine Heigl Ain't Got Nothing On Me!

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/20/08 11:00AM

Megan "Foxy" Fox gave her ailing Transformers co-star Shia LeBeouf more than eyeful when he returned to work this week. In addition to helping her injured co-star feel better, Fox used the opportunity to settle a bet amongst the crew about whether her pair were both real and spectacular (hint: they are). Fox also added, "If Heigl thinks her girls are fierce, wait until she gets a load of these bad boys."

Foxy, Do You Have To Wear A Backpack? I Feel Like I'm On 'To Catch A Predator'

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/18/08 05:10PM

Taking a break from his campaign to play the Riddler in the next Batman film, Brian Austin Green went to lunch with his gal pal, Megan Fox. During the meal, Green wondered why the Transformers star was lugging around a giant backpack with her instead of her purse. Fox then confessed that the recent earthquakes made her afraid of losing her most valuable possessions, so now she's started carrying them around with her. She then proceeded to list out the contents of the backpack to a shocked Brian Austin Green. It includes: a makeup bag, two designer sweat suits, flip flops, books on Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, a laptop, Michael Bay's ego, a ton of scripts, running shoes, an assistant, four different sets of sunglasses, two Blackberry batteries, a lead paper weight, Mad Men season one on DVD and some tadpoles she caught down by the river. Green was rather impressed by Fox's ability to carry on all that weight, but was still a wee bit weirded out by the backpack.

Has 'Jennifer's Body' Removed the R-Rated Areas On Jennifer's Body?

Kyle Buchanan · 08/08/08 01:30PM

It seemed like the upcoming horror-comedy Jennifer's Body had a foolproof formula for success: take Oscar-winning writer Diablo Cody, cast sexy Mother Teresa-assayer Megan Fox, throw in a nude scene, and laugh all the way to the blood bank. Sadly, it looks like producers may have trimmed one of the film's main selling points, if a new review posted at JoBlo is any indication. Though the amateur critic had not been keen to see the film, a friend lured him in with what proved to be false advertising:

Megan Fox In The Role She Was Born to Play: An NC-17 Mother Teresa

Kyle Buchanan · 08/07/08 12:40PM

Hot on the heels of Simple Jack (the fake, controversy-baiting trailer from Tropic Thunder that was eventually yanked) comes the trailer for Teresa: The Making of a Saint, an NC-17 Mother Teresa biopic starring Transformers actress (and parrot lover) Megan Fox. But wait! Could this, too, be a fake trailer, what with its cast made up of Hollywood heavyweights like "Sir Ben Queensly"? Indeed, it's just the latest in Hollywood's brand-new obsession with fake ads for real movies, this one designed to draw buzz for the Vanity Fair-set roman à clef How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, starring Fox as actress "Sophie Maes." Forgive us, but we'd much rather see Teresa than the real movie it's designed to promote — especially if the saintly missionary arrives in Calcutta tossing off Diablo Cody-penned bon mots like, "Fried bologna is the bomb!"

Megan Fox Vs. Anne Hathaway: Whose 'Scary' Weight Loss Is Scarier?

Molly Friedman · 07/16/08 04:45PM

Isn't it strange how that rare affliction of being mystically "unable" to gain weight only strikes female celebrities? It seems poor Megan Fox has that very woe to deal with atop her many other personal struggles, like pretending her engagement to one-earring trendmaker Brian Austin Green is still on, and trying ever so desperately to let a director (any director!) just film her nude already. But the newly "scrawny" Fox has reportedly been chastised about her skinny frame by Transformers 2 director Michael Bay, who has demanded that the busty Jolie successor put on 10 pounds or find a new gig. While Megan's resorted to stuffing herself with cake every night in bed, we might suggest the Anne Hathaway Quick Speed Diet: apparently breaking up with a grade A loser leads to dropping 28 pounds in no time!

Megan Fox: Recreating Your High School Nightmares, One Day At A Time

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/09/08 04:40PM

In preparations for a potential SAG strike, popular actress Megan Fox has begun to explore other avenues of interest. For instance, she thought she might be able to start her own business. Fox said, "So many people have told me that I remind them of that girl from high school that they either couldn't get a date with or that I'm, like, that girl who was really mean to them in English class. You know, the one with all of jokes that left scars that didn't heal until well after college. Maybe even graduate school. So, I thought why not help people get on with their life?" Fox's initial plan for the business would involve recreating those traumatic moments, but with positive outcomes the second time around including carefully constructed comebacks and dinner dates at a local Applebees.

The Lost Boy

Mark Graham · 07/03/08 07:45PM

· Corey Haim spent an entire segment of The Two Coreys surfing the Defamer comment section and walked away emotionally damaged. But darker days are looming ahead.
· Angelina Jolie gave birth to the Chosen Twins! No wait, it was just another false alarm.
· McLovin and some starlets, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes some little McLovins in a baby carriage! But wait, watch out for that lightning storm!
· Madonna's frosty marriage to Guy Ritchie came thisclose to breaking down this week when reports surfaced that she's been fielding grounders from New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez. And Lenny Kravitz has something to do with it.
· Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA. But don't fret! There's a Friends movie on the way (maybe).
· We wished the happiest of happy birthdays to Lindsay Lohan and Tom Cruise.
· We busted out our long lost graphing calculator and got all scientific on your asses by examining the comedic rise and fall of Mike Myers.
· Nude Nicole Kidman vs. the fully clothed Katie Holmes proved to be an uneven fight.
· Fanboys from sea to shining sea creamed their collective jeans when Megan Fox dumped Brian Austin Green. Brett Ratner called dibs and already has some erotic literature ready for their first date.
· Denise Richards carefully explained to her 13-year-old nephew exactly what a threesome is.
· At long last, anal lubricant got the recognition it so justly deserves.

In Honor of The 4th of July, Megan Fox Wins Her Independence From Brian Austin Green

nickm · 07/02/08 07:45PM

I remember the first time I heard about Megan Fox. "Man, this chick has it all," I thought to myself. She's hot, not a terrible actress, uh... did I mention hot? In fact there was only one problem with her. Her fiancé was a douchebag. And not just any douchebag, but Brian Austin Green! The whole B.A.G. affair was such an affront to my sensibilities that it tainted Megan Fox as a whole. She couldn't be that great if she was into a dude who not only devirginized Donna on 90210 but also released a terrible rap album entitled One Stop Carnival. But now that's all changed, thanks to this little tidbit of information: Megan Fox has called off her engagement to Brian Austin Green! [cue Handel's Messiah, ring church bells, light fireworks]

Which Hottest Woman In The 'Maxim' Universe Totally Blew Off Jeremy Piven At The Guys Choice Awards?

Seth Abramovitch · 06/20/08 11:35AM

When not proposing Entourage cameos to some of the world's greatest hell-to-the-divas, Jeremy Piven can often be found sidling up to one of our city's endlessly replenishable starlets with a patented ice-breaker ("So, have you been to India?"). The desired result is frequently achieved, and within minutes the two are zipping off in a hydrogen-powered Bentley to his place for a better look at his dhoti collection. Sometimes, however, Piven shoots a little too high, and his hottie-air balloon comes crashing down to the ground. Take, for example, a recent run-in with America's #1 fanboy-bait-object:

Disgraced 'Transformers 2' Extra Will Stop at Nothing For 15 Minutes of Justice

STV · 06/11/08 05:30PM

We should have known the epic fanboy disgrace following Transformers 2 HamburgerGate couldn't possibly end well for anyone — not deposed extra Reginald "Hedgehog" Brown, not robot-illiterate mega-director Michael Bay, and certainly not producer Don Murphy, on whose message board Brown's tragic tale of exile first found an outlet. Naturally more than just feelings were hurt in the end, and if you had "Wednesday, 2:18 a.m." — when Murphy published a few of Brown's angry e-mails "so that we can all figure out what he is trying to say" — as the official start time on your Litigation Pissing Match scorecard, then you win a prize:

Extra Thrown Off 'Transformers 2' Set 'Never Liked Michael Bay's Dumbass Shit Anyway'

STV · 06/10/08 04:15PM

A tipster sends word today of trouble having befallen the Philadelphia set of Transformers 2, where an extra was reportedly thrown off the shoot for conduct detrimental to the blockbuster. To wit: Reginald Brown, a regular contributor to Transformers producer Don Murphy's dysfunctional message boards, had nabbed the plum role of "Man Eating Hamburger" in one of the film's action sequences. Then, under his nom de fanboy Hedgehog, Brown filed a dispatch from wardrobe:

MTV Movie Awards Fashion Trends: Cleavage, Kinky Boots, And Oops! Lindsay Lohan's Thong

Molly Friedman · 06/02/08 02:05PM

What is it about MTV awards ceremonies that brings out so many female celebrities' inner hooker? Normally demurely dressed stars like good girl Anne Hathaway and Charlize Theron both showed up on the red carpet looking like a dominatrix-for-hire and a Heidi Fleiss escort circa 1990, respectively. Megan Fox stepped outside her rep as being a poor girl's Angelina Jolie by attempting to dress like a cupcake, but the frilly underskirt just said Little Pink Ride Your Hood, and The Hills resident scandalista Audrina Patridge donned a skin-tight, midnight blue satin one-strap number paired with ironed black hair that looked eerily like what we suspect Marilyn Manson wears in drag. So why pick last night to debut their diaper-length hemlines and S&M costumes? Look no further than a closer peek of Lindsay Lohan's totally unintentional panty-flash for answers, and the rest of these ladies of the night after the jump:

Megan Fox As Naked As Allowed By Canadian Film Regulation Law

Seth Abramovitch · 05/12/08 12:50PM

Pictured, tropical-bird-whisperer and Transformers star Megan Fox on the set of Jennifer's Body, the Diablo Cody-penned, super-kinetic Raimian horror film currently shooting in Vancouver. Wet, trembling, and with only two flesh-colored pasties (nothing to do with modesty, but actually a scripted wink to Cody's vocational past) preventing the full scope of her goodies from being on glorious display, it seems as though Fox, playing the film's bloodthirsty cheerleader protagonist, has mastered the "body" half of the title's equation. All that's left now is for her to tackle the tricky cadences of Cody's trademarked, Academy Award-winning dialogue, at which point the full of impact of lines like "Fried bologna is the bomb!" and "Slow down tardy slip. You sound like a sped," will earn the actress the Saturn nominations that have so eluded her until now.