
Foxy Fox Poses With Fox

Richard Lawson · 04/23/08 12:28PM

Hey, here's a magazine cover featuring Transformers actress Megan Fox. It appears to be some sort of animal rights publication, and Ms. Fox seems to have been the model of choice because a) her last name is also the name of an animal and b) no one famous would do it. So, look. She's holding a fox. And her last name is Fox. Though, I don't know why I'm even bothering to show this to you guys. We all subscribe to Christopher Ameruoso presents Paw Print magazine, right? [via Hollywood Tuna. I know.]

Megan Fox's Parrot-Tonguing Exploits Delight Niche Publication

Seth Abramovitch · 04/22/08 04:05PM

Megan Fox—whose coin-slot-baring performance in Transformers was egregiously overlooked by nearly all the major Hollywood awards (she did take Best Actress at the Golden Spankbaits)—is featured in this month's Paw Print Magazine. It's a publication for those who feel a little fenced-in by the rigid constraints of Dog and Cat Fancy, as demonstrated by the wide array of exotic photoshoot costars on display.

Et Tu, Megan?

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/03/08 12:50PM

Megan Fox showed her displeasure to an overzealous Canadian customs officer who questioned why would she ruin such 'a kickin bod' with such awful tattoos of that one lady from that one movie. The officer also said that it was a matter of Canadian national security that he'd get Fox's phone number.

But Don't You Know Who I Am?

Douglas Reinhardt · 03/25/08 03:00PM

Megan Fox, seen here wearing the standard young actress uniform (giant sunglasses, designer sweat pants, Uggs, hand bag that's bigger than an infant), demanded that she be whisked through the security screening process at LAX. The TSA employees shrugged their shoulders and allowed Fox through the line. During the screening process, a TSA employee told Fox that LC and her should treat Heidi better, while another chipped in to explain why she hopes that she doesn't get back with Justin Bobby on the new season of The Hills.

mark · 12/12/07 01:00PM

Pervert Christmas has come early for lucky Transformers fans, as a series of photos of star Megan Fox signing autographs reveals either the faintest hint of poorly concealed areola or some nipple-adjacent shadows. Have at it, sickies! We won't judge. [Egotastic]

seth · 07/06/07 05:39PM

Props to the Thighmaster for pointing out that Transformers' fantasy-object/greasemonkey Megan Fox was the same Megan Fox who gave a visibly delighted Brian Austin Green a manual lap adjustment in public. [Egotastic]