
Poop Transplants Exist, Save Lives

Maureen O'Connor · 12/14/10 05:12PM

Just in case you wondering, a thing called a "fecal transplant" exists, and saves lives. Like most terrible medical phenomena, we can blame poop transplants on Purell moms and the antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" they hath wrought.

InstyMeds: Harbinger of the Robot Uprising?

nightintern · 10/26/10 02:30PM

Today on The Doctors, the world was introduced to InstyMeds, a prescription vending machine. A little information, and out come your drugs! Citizens and luddites beware, this machine controls your health and well being. And it will control you, too.

Smiling Fetus Joins Abortion Debate

Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/10 03:06PM

The abortion debate has devolved to the zygote version of a LOLCat. A lady got an ultrasound, and her unborn child looked like it was smiling. Thus, "a baby can experience feelings such as happiness" earlier than previously thought.

Lady Cut In Half to Cure Cancer

Maureen O'Connor · 09/22/10 02:23PM

To remove a tumor "the size of a calzone," doctors split a woman in half and attached her leg to her spine. They're calling it a "pogo stick" surgery, the first of its kind. The patient is in good spirits.

Shopping Pretty Much As Good As Sex

Maureen O'Connor · 09/17/10 01:34PM

Good news: "Shoppers experience the same rush of endorphins when they stumble across a hot sale promotion as they do when they are sexually aroused." So if you shopped during Fashion's Night Out, you have been to an orgy.

The Most Disgusting Thing You Will See on the Internet Today

Maureen O'Connor · 09/14/10 02:20PM

Only those with the steeliest of stomachs should proceed. What you are about to see is video of a living 2-cm worm crawling beneath the surface of a lady's twitching eyeball, then getting extracted. It was there for six years.

Feds Trying to Crack Down On 'Robotripping'

Jeff Neumann · 09/01/10 07:21AM

The American teen tradition of chugging Robitussin and trippin' could soon become a lot harder if the man gets his way. The Food and Drug Administration is trying to crack down on the over-the-counter sale of medicine containing dextromethorphan. Lame.

Science Proves: Teen Girls Don't Care

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/10 04:00PM

Kid checkups! Organic fatties! Lazy docs! Sports carbs! Drunk teens! Rat Lungs! It's your predominantly factual Health Watch, where we watch your health—with the interest of a teenage girl amongst nerds!