To remove a tumor "the size of a calzone," doctors split a woman in half and attached her leg to her spine. They're calling it a "pogo stick" surgery, the first of its kind. The patient is in good spirits.

The Winnipeg Free Press produced a feel-good video about Janis Ollson's revolutionary surgery and recovery, which occurred at Minnesota's Mayo Clinic:

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She has one leg fused to her body and one prosthetic leg, along with a prosthetic pelvis.

Ollson is determined to live a normal life after her groundbreaking operation, and is now cancer-free. She uses a wheelchair, walker or crutches, but is not afraid to move around, however she can.

"I have no problem getting around. If I need to, I'll crawl (up stairs) or scooch like a kid," she said. "I don't want people to think 'we can't invite the Ollsons because they can't get in here with a wheelchair.' I want to live life to its fullest," she said.

Heartened by the woman's strength of character, King Solomon then announced that it had all been a ruse, and he would cure her cancer by clapping his hands! No—sadly—cancer doesn't work that way. But Janis is chipper and charming; her husband loves her more than ever; and if that video of her playing in the snow with her kids doesn't make you choke up just a little, well, I'll be damned. [Winnipeg Free Press, Fox News]