
Young Bill O'Reilly Was an Expert In Porn

Adrian Chen · 08/28/10 11:38AM

Long before Bill O'Reilly was a blowhard conservative commentator, he was a contributor to the Boston Phoenix, an alternative-weekly newspaper. One of his assignments: A profile of porn director Gerard Damiano, of Deepthroat fame. What would the "culture warriors" think!?

The Newsweek Exodus Continues

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/10 08:08AM

Three more notable Newsweek staffers are leaving: Digital GM Geoff Reiss, editorial director Mark Miller, and our own former boss and Newsweek Digital executive editor Gabriel Snyder. Layoffs loom; the magazine's stars leave; After crucifixion—resurrection? [WSJ]

Layoffs Coming Soon to Newsweek?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/10 11:16AM

Rich man Sidney Harman bought Newsweek a few weeks ago, and everyone's been wondering when the real changes would come down. Several editorial stars have already left the magazine; now, a tipster tells us, significant layoffs are on the way.