Larry King's Mouth Still Has Lots to Offer

In your villainous Thursday media column: forcing Larry King back into your ear, temporary silence from Jay Mariotti, Jeff Zucker never stops droning on, and early morning TV gets even earlier.
- Larry King, a man whose ramblings will never, ever get old, is not done yet! TMZ says that Ryan Seacrest may get Larry a new radio show deal, because Ryan Seacrest has pull like that, and besides, Ryan Seacrest enjoys inflicting pain on America, so why wouldn't he?
- Execrable sports columnist Jay Mariotti is being suspended by his current employer, AOL, and also is not appearing on ESPN, as the investigation into domestic violence charges against him continues.
- Is NBC's Jeff Zucker still considering a political run? Yes, he is, and here's a video of him saying boring, useless things about it, per his usual style.
- Good news, insomniacs and meth addicts: ABC affiliates are now starting their morning shows as early as 4:30 a.m. We had to wait until 2010 for news, traffic, weather, and, coming up after the break, one New Jersey woman's football-playing dog who knows how to "pooch" punt? Outrageous.
[Pic: Getty]