
CNN Correspondent Goes Ballistic Over Fox News Report

TPM · 03/21/11 07:30PM

Click to viewCNN correspondent Nic Robertson has a bone or two to pick with Fox News, which reported today that he and other journalists were used by the Libyan Ministry of Information as human shields, in a successful bid to block a coming, second attack on a compound in Tripoli, supposedly controlled by Qaddafi.

Bill Keller's Newsroom Memo on How the NYT Freed Its Reporters in Libya

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:40AM

This memo from editor Bill Keller just went out to the New York Times newsroom, celebrating the official release of the four NYT employees who'd been detained in Libya since last week. His comments on the resources the paper calls on to help rescue its staffers are interesting and worth noting.

Why Maureen Dowd Is Not a Good Columnist

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:28AM

Earlier this month, former Senator Chris Dodd became the new CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, making him, in essence, Hollywood's chief lobbyist. This was notable, since Dodd—a onetime favorite of populists—had repeatedly promised not to become a lobbyist when he left the Senate. Glenn Greenwald reflected on the depressing statement that Dodd's hypocrisy made about the entire American political system:

Libyan Reporter Killed in Benghazi

Jeff Neumann · 03/19/11 03:11PM

Tireless independent Libyan journalist Mohammad "Mo" Nabbous was killed today in Benghazi as Muammar Qaddafi's forces assaulted the city. In the audio recording above — Mo's last, from his Livestream channel Libya al-Hurra — you can hear him in the middle of an intense battle when the sound suddenly cuts off.

Associated Press Drops Hyphen from "Email," finally

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 02:54PM

Thank ever-loving Christ: The official AP stylebook has dropped the hyphen from "email." The AP will no longer write like your computer science teacher in 1997. Now maybe they can stop capitalizing Internet and the Web.

HuffPo to Unpaid Writers: We Dare You to Boycott Us

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/11 02:28PM

In your lovely Friday media column: HuffPo dares its unpaid writers to do something, James O'Keefe is a hypocrite, a magazine investor has some magazines you can invest in, Bill O'Reilly is mad, and free access, for you.

Latest James O'Keefe NPR Tape Immediately Proves A Dud

Jim Newell · 03/17/11 03:21PM

Branded as a revelatory scoop uncovering previously unknown donations from George Soros to NPR, James O'Keefe's latest sting on NPR was debunked as a non-story within hours of its release.

The Emergency Vote to Defund NPR

Jim Newell · 03/15/11 04:51PM

House Republicans have called an emergency meeting of the Rules Committee tomorrow to take up legislation stripping NPR of federal funds. Please, do it tonight! NPR doesn't seem interested in defending itself, so get it over with. [TPM]

Mary Elizabeth Williams Is Irksome

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 03:10PM

Mary Elizabeth Williams is a longtime staff writer at Salon. Her job entails finding whatever self-explanatory thing was popular on the internet yesterday, and writing several hundred words today purporting to shed light on it. She could make a great living tutoring layabout high school kids in how to pad two paltry thoughts out into an entire term paper.

Media A-Listers Flock to Futuristic Hellscape

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 01:32PM

In your interactive Tuesday media column: anywhere is better than "South by," the NYT vs HuffPo feud continues, the Tribune bankruptcy is predictably troublesome, Carl Paladino hates the press, and your mandatory Katie Couric rumor of the day.