This is Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, posing next to an Afghan civilian he killed in cold blood in January 2010. Morlock is one of five soldiers accused of forming a drug-addled "kill team" to murder Afghan civilians for kicks.

The men allegedly documented their crimes with photos and video, and the German newsweekly Der Spiegel published some of them—which had been closely guarded by prosecutors fearing an Abu Ghraib-level reaction in the Arab world—last night. The Army issued a statement last night apologizing for "the distress these photos cause."

Curiously, no U.S. news outlet appears to have published them. Der Spiegel has kept them behind its paywall. [UPDATE: They've since published them here.] A site called Public Intelligence posted them, but it's down now—the site says it can't handle the traffic generated by interest in the pictures. Al Jazeera English posted a thumbnail image.

We got the photos by purchasing Der Spiegel's iPad edition. Here's another posed image.

And another, of two victims posed together.

And here's Morlock and David Bram, another Kill Team member.

Of interest: Morlock, the smiling man pictured above, is from Wasilla, Alaska. His sister April is friendly with Bristol Palin.