Tireless independent Libyan journalist Mohammad "Mo" Nabbous was killed today in Benghazi as Muammar Qaddafi's forces assaulted the city. In the audio recording above — Mo's last, from his Livestream channel Libya al-Hurra — you can hear him in the middle of an intense battle when the sound suddenly cuts off.

CNN's Ben Wedeman wrote today on Twitter: "A true hero, Mohammed Nabbous of Sawt Libia al-Hurra, the Voice of Free Libya, was killed in fighting in Benghazi today." And NPR social media strategist Andy Carvin had this to say: "I just contacted someone at the Newseum to let them know of Mo Nabbous' death. Hopefully they'll add him to the journalists' memorial." We hope so, too. Because in a country like Libya, where there is no free press, the fearless work of independent reporters like Mo is essential to getting the truth out.