
It's Time For Bill Keller's Editor to Fire Him

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/11 02:00PM

In your fed-up Wednesday media column: Bill Keller must be stopped, a new Encyclopedia of News, the LAT's long-awaited vindication, Katie Couric considered, and Gwyneth declines to launch a magazine, thank god.

Tina Brown Gives Exact Date That She Will Be Wrong

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 01:57PM

In your soaking Tuesday media column: Tina Brown goes out on a limb, journalists are set free in Libya, Dorothy Parvaz is still missing, Greta Van Susteren vs. Mediaite, and the media continue to consume and excrete itself, nonstop.

New AP Stylebook: Now With More Corn Smut

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/11 02:10PM

In your overcast Monday media column: a new yuppified AP Stylebook, NewsBeast's ad troubles, HuffPo keeps on poaching, Carol Smith to Hearst, and Glamour's iPad revolution.

White House Suddenly Decides Fake News Is a Bad Thing

John Cook · 05/13/11 11:28AM

Whenever you see a photograph of the president making a major address from inside the White House, it's really a picture of him saying "peas and carrots, peas and carrots" after the speech while photographers get their shots. Not anymore, though! For some reason, the White House has decided to stop participating in that particular form of fake-news manufacturing. It will continue to fake other news events, though. [AP, photo via Getty]

NBC Chicago Sportscaster Found Dead

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/11 04:22PM

Daryl Hawks, the 38-year-old sports anchor for NBC's Chicago affiliate, was found dead in an Atlanta hotel room today. Hotel employees reportedly found his body after he missed his wake-up call. Police say there's "no reason to believe foul play was involved." Hawks was in Atlanta to cover the Chicago Bulls' NBA playoff game tonight. [Sun-Times]

Bill Keller Orders Us to Discuss His Stupidity

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/11 02:52PM

In your peerless Thursday media column: Bill Keller twit-muses, Jim Lehrer is leaving, a National Magazine Award is controversial, more on the NYT's Week in Review revamp, and the internet spawns another millionaire.

Bin Laden Questioned Inspire Magazine's Ethics

Jeff Neumann · 05/12/11 06:34AM

As intelligence analysts pore over the stash of documents recovered in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a picture of a "micro-manager" is beginning to emerge. For instance, he thought Joe Biden wasn't worth the time or effort to target, but authorized targeting the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other top military brass. But there's more!

Missing Al Jazeera Reporter Found in Iran (in Jail)

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/11 01:54PM

In your harrowing Wednesday media column: an Al Jazeera reporter is held in Iran, Chattanooga newsman in Nazi cop row, Uganda's tabloids go hard on "Homos," the NYT's web traffic inches downward, and Bill Gallo dies.

Roger Ailes Continues to Ruin His Adopted Home

John Cook · 05/10/11 03:41PM

The effort by Fox News chief Roger Ailes and his wife, Elizabeth, to transform their bucolic weekend retreat in upstate New York into the sort of paranoid swamp they're more at home in continues apace: Spy on reporters for the charming small-town newspapers they own? Check. Compulsively call the local cops because you're convinced people are out to get you? Check. Start physical confrontations with the aging owner of a competing tiny newspaper and threaten to sue him? Check.

Good News: New York Times Still Popular Enough to Spoof

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/11 02:00PM

In your blazing Tuesday media column: a new NYT parody, the NYT scores a good columnist for once, the news on the news in jail, the AP wants the bin Laden death photos, and HuffPo bloggers won't put up, so shut up.

The Interminable National Magazine Awards

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/11 08:31AM

Last night was the semi-glamorous ceremony of the National Magazine Awards, "The Ellies," the longest night in magazines. Let's relive it!

Numbers Guru Drops Spectacularly Ill-Considered Side Gig Once It Becomes Public

John Cook · 05/09/11 05:10PM

Nate Silver, whose confusing math blog became part of the New York Times web site last summer, recently signed up for a new webchat service that allows people to buy facetime with him for $1,000 an hour, only to back out as soon as people started asking, "Hey, why is the New York Times letting one of its bloggers sell webchats for $1,000 an hour? And, really, $1,000 an hour?"