More People Reading Smart News, For Some Reason

In your prudent Wednesday media column: Garden & Gun is so hot right now, a bad magazine folds, Bill Simmons is grumpy, a big traffic month for The Atlantic and Slate, and Vivian Schiller gets a new job.
- The Atlantic and The Atlantic Wire did huge (for them—haha, kidding, but you know how we roll, ice cold baby!) internet traffic in the month of May. So did Slate. Why are readers flocking to these "smart" news sites? Well, a few things: Osama bin Laden, Osama bin Laden dead, bin Laden dead, bin Laden death, dead Osama, bin Laden killed, Osama death photos, bin Laden death pictures, Navy SEALS, Seal Team 6, Navy SEALS nude. It's a combination of factors.
- Garden & Gun is the new Virginia Quarterly Review, meaning it's the hot Southern magazine that all the fancy NYC media types fawn over while secretly not reading.
- Today in magazine die-offs: 944 magazine, a "Fashion, Entertainment, Lifestyle" rag, has folded. We mourn it on general principle.
- ESPN regular-guy superstar sports blogger writer blah etc. Bill Simmons is starting his own boutique sports site, Grantland, in the very near future. Is he excited? "It hasn't been as much as fun as I had thought," he tells the NYT magazine. "I'm not sure I would do it again." Pretty encouraging words, from the boss! Your staff is prepared to follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond, Bill Simmons!
- Vivian Schiller, who was pushed out as NPR CEO following the Juan Williams fiasco, is reportedly close to taking a job overseeing digital projects at NBC News. Wait, but shouldn't she be hounded and blacklisted forever, for being somewhere that something "controversial" happened? I though that's how these things worked.