
News of the World Somehow Still Able to Sink Lower

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 03:20PM

In your manic Monday media column: Hackgate grows marginally dirtier, journalism majors make dat money, Malcolm Gladwell on Steve Jobs, the media lies, and Martin Nisenholtz retires.

Against All Odds, Frank Bruni Gets Worse

Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 11:18AM

Frank Bruni is nice clean-cut fella and a talented writer who was a good restaurant critic but good lord in heaven is he a dispensable columnist. It's as if moving onto the opinion pages has magically rendered this once-capable journalist into a trite hack!

Friday Is Media Layoff Day, Again

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 02:19PM

In your finally Friday media column: layoffs hit the NYDN and The Early Show, Business Insider's horrific possible future, an Occupied reporter set free, and the National Magazine Awards make progress.

We Are All Gossips Now. Let's Start Acting Like It

John Cook · 11/03/11 04:56PM

For the past week, American's finest news institutions—those self-identified defenders of journalistic propriety against the teeming online hordes—have been tripping over themselves to publish vague, contextless, detail-free, anonymous accusations about the sex life of presidential candidate. Hey, that's our job!

Alt-Weeklies Need Sex And Drugs to Survive

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/11 01:59PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: protests loom at the Village Voice, layoffs at the LAT, Fox Business Network continues right on track, powerful people in the media, and a new Women's Health editor.

Jared Kushner Just Launching Any Old Paper Now

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/11 01:28PM

In your wispy Wednesday media column: Jared Kushner's latest scheme, Michele Norris's replacement, the gradual death of print continues, Harper's Bazaar revamps, and Chris Matthews make a funny.

National Review Guy Explains How Sexual Harassment Isn't a 'Real Thing'

Jim Newell · 11/02/11 12:54PM

It didn't take long for many writers who veer towards the "right wing" of the political spectrum to formulate their consensus response to Herman Cain's still-vague history of alleged sexual harassment, and sexual harassment claims in general: Lighten up, sweetheart! But few have had the guts to put it in such brazen terms as crabby old paleocon John Derbyshire, of the National Review. Let us celebrate "Derb" on his momentous day of social commentary.

The Murdochs Are Lying Liars

John Cook · 11/01/11 05:18PM

The parliamentary committee investigating illegal voicemail hacking at News International has released a cache of internal company documents showing that the firm was well aware of just how deep its phone hacking scandal went way back in 2008, when it was still publicly claiming that the problem was limited to a few bad apples.

In Defense of Journalistic Facelessness

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/11 10:55AM

The mighty, omniscient "journalistic tone" is largely a convenient myth. Newspapers and other media outlets long adopted this self-assured institutional writing style which admitted no doubt as a way to appear more knowledgeable than they really were. The internet, with its radical transparency and focus on personality, has eaten away at this obfuscating tone. Which is good. Sometimes.

Adam Lambert Fans Will Do Anything for a Copy of This Magazine

Brian Moylan · 10/31/11 04:46PM

When I saw this sign offering $20 for the current issue of The Advocate, the very serious older brother of the gay publishing world, with Adam Lambert on the cover, I thought it was a joke. After all, this is the current issue. But no. It seems the gay singer and mascara addict is creating a worldwide magazine shortage.

Tallest Midget Alert: DC's 'Bad Boy Reporter'

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/11 02:42PM

In your frigid Friday media column: DC has a "Bad boy" reporter, Brian Williams discusses the Twitter, a Reuters plagiarism kerfuffle, a CNNer becomes a flack, and Gene Weingarten gripes.

How Occupy Wall Street Cost Me My Job

Remy Stern · 10/28/11 10:25AM

Joining the Occupy Wall Street protests has its dangers. You could get pepper-sprayed or end up in handcuffs. Or, as Brooklyn-based journalist Caitlin Curran explains, your boss could see a photo of you holding up a sign at a protest and fire you the next day.