
Men At Work

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/08 01:18PM

Washington guy Jay Carney leaving Time, for some reason. [Politico]

Remnick's New Book, More Departures at CNN

cityfile · 12/15/08 11:29AM

New Yorker editor-in-chief David Remnick has confirmed he's writing a book about "Barack Obama, race and politics in America." [Politico]
• David Shuster is the new host of MSNBC's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. [NYT]
Vogue was the most profitable magazine at Condé Nast this year. [P6]
• Crain Communications (AdAge, Crain's New York) is laying off 60. [NYP]
• The list of layoff victims at CNN grows longer: Jamie McIntyre, Kelli Arena, Linda Stouffer and Rusty Dornin are all on the way out. [TVN]
The Day the Earth Stood Still was No. 1 at the weekend box office. [NYT]

Let's Talk Inanely About Hot Teen Sex!

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/08 12:54PM

"For those over 30 years old: hooking up is a casual sexual encounter with no expectation of future emotional commitment." So begins another god damn op-ed about wet, wild youngster sex.

Detroit Papers Get Worse, Harder To Obtain

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/08 09:52AM

Nobody lives in Detroit any more, and nobody reads print newspapers, so maybe it's not so bad that the few remaining Detroit residents can no longer get their awful papers delivered to their burned-out homes.

Silverman Cements a Deal, Bewkes Steps Up

cityfile · 12/12/08 11:09AM

• Ben Silverman and NBC have come to terms on a new contract. [B&C]
Jeff Bewkes is taking over as Time Warner's chairman. [Bloomberg]
• As expected, Newsweek is trimming both staff and circulation. [WSJ]
• Do his 8 Golden Globe nods mean Harvey Weinstein is on the rebound? [THR]
• CBS Interactive is restructuring and making major cuts. [PaidContent]
• Hugh Jackman will be hosting the Oscars next February. [THR]

Moral Highground Watch: Shame on Mrs Blago

Pareene · 12/11/08 05:34PM

Everyone got bored with attacking idiot Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich at some point mid-yesterday, so naturally today brought the SHAME ON HIS WIFE stories.

Places To Move

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/08 05:09PM

"Newspaper boom" in Brazil. Go there now! [Huffpo]