
Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 11:58AM

The New York Times is sending political reporter Jim Rutenberg to cover the Hamptons all summer. Rich people vacation spots are, uh, important.

Dave Zinczenko's New Magazine Is Exactly Like His Old Magazine

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 09:12AM

Last year, longtime Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko was let go, reportedly because bosses tired of his "relentless self-promotion." Zinczenko was hired by AMI to revamp its smaller Men's Health rival, Men's Fitness. And now, former colleagues are grumbling that Zinczenko is doing little more than ripping off Men's Health for his new venture.

'Bloodbath' Day at Village Voice: Musto, Sietsema, Feingold Out

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 10:20AM

Last week, top editors at the Village Voice resigned in protest when they learned that management wanted them to lay off several members of their already-decimated staff. This morning, those layoffs came down. They're not pretty.

Terrorism and the Public Imagination

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/13 10:39AM

The shooting of nineteen innocent people, including two children, at a Mother's Day celebration in New Orleans yesterday was an act of violence only gaudy enough to hold the nation's attention momentarily. Shortly after the bodies were cleared, the FBI said they "have no indication the shooting was an act of terrorism. 'It’s strictly an act of street violence in New Orleans.'" At that, we were free to let our attention drift. In America, all villainy is not created equal.

Cord Jefferson · 05/13/13 10:18AM

ABC will become the first major broadcaster to allow some cable and satellite subscribers to live-stream its programming via its iPhone and iPad app. Have you started using your TV as a drying rack yet?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/13 03:33PM

Annnnd, layoffs at the Columbia Journalism Review cap a remarkably awful layoff-filled week for New York print journalists. Stay safe out there, everyone.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/13 03:06PM

At least two American newspapers make employees buy online subscriptions to read their own stories.

If the Koch Brothers Want to Pay Too Much for Newspapers, Let Them

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/13 01:58PM

Evil corporatist archconservative billionaires the Koch brothers are considering making a bid to buy several big newspapers from the Tribune Co., including the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune. Unions and liberal politicians are justifiably alarmed by this prospect. They're trying to pressure the shareholders not to sell to the Kochs. Here's another, perhaps more productive idea: let the Kochs buy that crap.