
What's The Big Idea? Searching For Meaning at the 'Ideas Festival'

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 10:40AM

Media companies love to wrap themselves (ourselves) in the cloak of "ideas" just as much as advertising firms love to burnish themselves with the patina of "creativity." In both cases, it is self-flattery disguised as public celebration. We the media are not simply engaged in telling you stuff that happens; we are in the more lofty business of propagating ideas. Ideas! Who doesn't love ideas? What sort of ideas? Oh... all types of ideas!

The Medium Model: Can Writers Live Large?

John Koblin · 05/03/13 04:00PM

What comes next after unpaid microcontent? Try 4,700 words about foreskins, at about $3 a word. That, according to a source, is what Sloane Crosley supplied to a new project called Medium, from Twitter co-founder Ev Williams. Williams won’t pay you for a Tweet but, for now at least, he might pay you depending on who you are.

Answering a Question No One Asked: 13 Years of Williamsburg in the NYT

Cord Jefferson · 05/03/13 02:30PM

One might think that a newspaper called the New York Times, which employs contributors from around the world, in war zones and dictatorships, would be less in awe of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, a small patch of concrete just across the East River from its headquarters. And yet this week, the latest Brooklyn joke wasn't so much a joke as it was a 2,000-word New York Times essay about Williamsburg. Get it? Hipsters!

Publisher Sells Pulitzer-Winning Paper's Headquarters To Be Mean

Ken Layne · 04/30/13 12:51PM

Life as a newspaper journalist is a crushing series of indignities ending only with your final layoff from the last print newsroom within a hundred miles of your (foreclosed) condo. For California's Pulitzer-winning daily the Press-Enterprise, today's comically tragic news is that the paper's headquarters is being sold off for $30 million, with the remaining employees destined to be shuffled over to some leased office space in Riverside.

Koch Brothers Interested in Buying Newspapers Across the Country

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/21/13 11:35AM

The Koch brothers, billionaire funders of the Tea Party and libertarian all-stars, are reportedly interested in buying several newspapers across the country, including the The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, and The Orlando Sentinel. They might also be exploring the possibility of buying Hoy, the second-largest Spanish-language daily newspaper in the United States.

FBI Statement Basically Scolds Media for Being Shameful Rumormongers

Cord Jefferson · 04/17/13 03:15PM

Following the clusterfuck that was—and continues to be!—the media's coverage of Monday's Boston Marathon bombing, the latest disaster being CNN's completely false scoop that a suspect had been arrested, the FBI is finally sick of everyone's shit. This afternoon, the federal police body released this statement, which explains that there have been no arrests and that the FBI thinks the media is a bunch of rubes:

The Five Million Dollars Amazon's Jeff Bezos (and Others) JUST Invested in Business Insider [SLIDESHOW]

Max Read · 04/05/13 10:52AM

Jeff Bezos, Time magazine man of the year 1999, has invested $5 million in the news and slideshow website Business Insider. Bezos' net worth is something like $25 billion, so in real-people money, $5 million to Jeff Bezos is... about 15 bucks. But it's a lot to BI, which has raised around $13 millon so far, and will "do eleven million dollars in revenues this year," according to a New Yorker article from this week. Update!: Bezos is not, actually, investing a whole $5 million; rather, $5 million is the total sum that Business Insider just raised, between an unspecified investment from Bezos and money from previous investors chipping in again.

David Brooks Column, or College Kid Musing About Girls? It's Both!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/13 08:55AM

David Brooks, a clumsy amateur sociologist who has improbably turned a talent for adjusting his glasses in a wise-looking manner into a gig as a nationally respected opinion columnist, is a busy man. He's teaching a class at Yale, okay? He can't be expected to come up with his own ideas every single week. Today, he hit on a novel solution to his quandary: just have one of his students write his column! You can hardly tell the difference.

The 20 Best Trollings in Modern History

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/13 04:00PM

From the Spanish-American War all the way up to the 40 Hottest Women in Tech, the past century has borne witness to some epic trolling, bro. This amoral art form—loosely defined as "the media fucking with you on purpose"—has defined our modern era of outrage. It is time that we honored the very best trollings of the past 115 years.

Henry Blodget Found a Newspaper

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/13 12:27PM

Henry Blodget, a full grown adult who's held a highly compensated job in finance and founded a multimillion-dollar media company, still retains his ability to be astounded by the little things in life. Like airplanes: what is it like to ride in one? Or women: are they too lazy to get good jobs? Or Jews: why do people hate them so much? Today, Henry Blodget, who has retained the wonderful ability to see the world through a child's eyes (which so many of his cynical peers have lost), has found something outside of his hotel room door. But what??

Esquire Editor Explains: Women Are 'There to Be Beautiful Objects'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/13 01:00PM

Esquire magazine's editorial philosophy can be summed up as "Booze, Bacon, Bourbon, Books, Broads, Boobs, and Bros Talking About Fashion But Uh, Not in a Gay Way." Actually, we're just giving them a hard time. The real editorial philosophy of Esquire, as stated by Esquire's UK editor, is simply: "Women are objects."

Observer Effect: Jared Kushner's Newspaper Has a Birthday

Adrian Chen and a Gawker correspondent · 03/15/13 02:35PM

"It's so good," the actress Christine Baranski told a film crew at the Four Seasons last night, "to have another paper in town." The paper in question was the New York Observer, celebrating 25 years of publishing. The camera crew was from the New York Observer, reporting on itself.

Please Enjoy This Hilariously Racist Iowa Newspaper Story

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/13 08:58AM

When you think "The Montezuma (Iowa) Record," you think "just good journalism, as befitting the town that is home to Iowa's best competition motocross race track, Fun Valley Motocross." I'm sad, and chuckling, to tell you that you may be disappointed in the Record's latest effort, however. (Unless you are racist).

Cord Jefferson · 03/14/13 01:48PM

The Boston Globe reports that venerated alt weekly the Boston Phoenix is shuttering after nearly five decades. Very sad.

Hearst Reportedly Forces Out Unmarried Executive for Sexting With Consenting Female Adult

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/13 09:25AM

Page Six reports today that Scott Sassa, the president of the entertainment and syndication division of publishing giant Hearst, is "quitting" (in the sense of "being ordered to quit") in the wake of a horrifying scandal. What is the scandal that is so bad it abruptly ends the career of a high powered media executives? He was sending text messages of a sexual nature to a consenting adult female.