
Bloomberg View Is the Media's Plushest Gulag

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/13 11:36AM

Billionaire New York mayor-for-life Mike Blomberg has a dream: a dream that one day, through sheer spending power alone, he can build an editorial Centrist Dream Team that is as lavishly paid as it is widely ignored. His dream has come true.

Goodbye, Patch: Good Idea, Bad Execution

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/13 10:52AM

Patch, AOL's national network of hyperlocal news sites, was born with a big idea: that local news can be profitable... somehow. That may be true. But Patch won't be the one to reap the rewards.

ABC, NYT Repeatedly Lied About CIA Operative Robert Levinson

J.K. Trotter · 12/13/13 05:01PM

ABC News and The New York Times have known since 2007 that Robert Levinson, the ex-FBI agent who was kidnapped in Iran, was not, as the U.S. government and his family claimed, an independent businessman: He was working for the CIA. The Times’ report today discloses this timeline; ABC News’ report does not—but a source at the network confirmed to Gawker that ABC reporters discovered the CIA connection in 2007 as well. At the request of the government and Levinson’s family, however, both outlets repeatedly stated, without any caveats, that Levinson was on a “business trip” when he was captured. A review of their coverage indicates that ABC News did so at least 7 times, and the Times at least 3 times.

What GIF is This?

Caity Weaver · 12/13/13 03:04PM

This is how a pair of Gawker writers planned to not crash the 2013 employees-only Buzzfeed holiday party:

Megyn Kelly Is a Race Hustler

J.K. Trotter · 12/12/13 03:48PM

Megyn Kelly is on a roll. Earlier this week, the Fox News anchor sat down with Jay Leno, telling him that “straight-news anchors like myself give a hard time to both sides.” And today Dan Zak of The Washington Post, in a long profile of Kelly, claims that she “interrupts and challenges guests whenever they resort to talking points or petty distractions.” The point of this campaign, one finely engineered by Fox News’ meticulous press shop, is to paint Kelly as a serious person and a straightforward reporter. The problem is that Kelly is neither.

Frank Bruni Saw a Movie

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/13 09:37AM

Frank Bruni—who, as a New York Times columnist, holds one of the most coveted jobs in all of newspaper journalism—reveals today exclusively in the paper of record that he saw a movie not too long ago.

Fox News Paid Fired Executive $8 Million to Keep Quiet

J.K. Trotter · 12/09/13 03:46PM

Roger Ailes’ secrets command a heavy price. Last week, the New York Times reported that Fox News had reached an out-of-court settlement with Brian Lewis, the former Ailes aide who was abruptly fired in late July. A Fox News executive with knowledge of the negotiations told Gawker that Lewis was paid approximately $8 million in hush money.

Crush Nepotism Wherever It Lives

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/13 12:18PM

The New York Times reported yesterday that JPMorgan Chase is under federal investigation for hiring the children of China's elite with the explicit goal of boosting the bank's business prospects. Good. Nepotism on Wall Street is just as gross as nepotism at the media outlets that cover Wall Street.

J.K. Trotter · 12/06/13 11:07AM

Fired Fox News executive Brian Lewis might have been paid, by his former employer, not to reveal the network’s secrets. What could those be?

Behind The Slow-Motion Death of Howard Kurtz’s Weird Website

J.K. Trotter · 12/04/13 02:15PM

BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski noted on Tuesday that The Daily Download, the obscure media-news website founded by Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz and his business partner Lauren Ashburn, has disappeared. Yet only a few months ago Ashburn was hyping the site’s traffic to contributors. “Lauren told me that at one point it had a half million views per day,” Lorraine Murphy, a Vancouver web consultant who wrote for the site between May and August of this year, told Gawker. So what happened?

Adam Weinstein · 12/03/13 09:39AM

Ah! The Cable News Network (CNN) sees the problem now: They do too much news. They'll get right on that, folks.

New York Magazine Begins to Give Up on Print

Hamilton Nolan · 12/02/13 10:09AM

New York magazine is considered one of the most prestigious magazines in America. New York magazine is no longer able to publish a weekly print edition. We were not joking when we told you thousands of times that print is dead.

Does the N.Y. Times’ Star Tech Reporter Understand Its Ethics Policy?

J.K. Trotter · 11/19/13 10:39AM

So here’s a question for the Paper of Record: Can a reporter ethically accept a gift from a company he covers if the reporter gives it to a family member, or a friend? We ask because superstar tech reporter Nick Bilton admitted to doing so—or at least attempting to—on last week’s episode of Leo Laporte’s "This Week in Tech" podcast. Here’s what Bilton said: