
MSNBC Suspends Alec Baldwin Following "Cocksucking Fag" Controversy

Cord Jefferson · 11/15/13 08:00PM

Alec Baldwin's MSNBC talk show, which debuted in October, is already being suspended for two weeks following an incident yesterday in which Baldwin was heard to call a paparazzo a "cocksucking fag." Baldwin denies using the word "fag," but he apologized nonetheless for his outburst in a statement posted to the MSNBC website:

Who's Left at the New York Times?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/13 02:54PM

The New York Times has long been considered the top of the media food chain, the final stop in a journalism career. No mas. In recent weeks, the Times has been leaking talent left and right. Who do they have left that they really need to hang on to?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/13 09:58AM

New York Times media robo-reporter Brian Stelter is leaving to join CNN as host of Reliable Sources, its Sunday media news program. New York TV viewers will now find it even harder to escape the Stelter-Shupak power combo.

CBS Retracts Bombshell Benghazi Report Over Lying Source

J.K. Trotter · 11/08/13 12:22PM

Today CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes retracted its bombshell report about security failures during the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The embarrassing retraction, announced on CBS This Morning by Lara Logan, came nearly a week after The Washington Post challenged the veracity of one of 60 Minutes’ sources, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, and hours after the New York Times revealed that Davies supplied FBI investigators with a very different story.

J.K. Trotter · 11/08/13 10:26AM

The Onion’s print edition, currently distributed in Milwaukee, Providence, and Chicago, will cease production on December 12. Founded by two University of Wisconsin juniors in 1988, the paper once reached 17 markets across the United States, including Los Angeles and New York City.

Britain’s Phone-Hacking Trial: Everything You Need to Know

J.K. Trotter · 10/30/13 10:43AM

This morning marked the official start of the long-anticipated U.K. trial of two former News of the World editors (and a few other peripheral individuals) for several criminal charges of conspiring to obstruct justice, hacking a murdered child’s cell phone, and interfering with a police investigation. Predicted to last around six months, the trial will place the News Corporation and its Australian owner, Rupert Murdoch, under even more glaring scrutiny. Here’s what you need to know.

J.K. Trotter · 10/29/13 05:07PM

A New York Times reporter discovered that Bill de Blasio tweeted a year ago about dropping off his daughter Chiara at Santa Clara University for her freshman year. De Blasio’s campaign manager Bill Hyers responded: “I thought the @nytimes had some class.” Feud!

Reporter Reveals How Fox News Gaslit Him

J.K. Trotter · 10/24/13 05:00PM

Fox News’ abuse of reporters is legendary. But their treatment of Matthew Flamm, a media reporter for Crain’s New York, should be flagged for eternity for its absurdity. As first reported by NPR’s David Folkenflik (and noted in The Washington Post), the channel’s PR team planted a fake tip, using a fake email address—but using a real Fox News producer’s name—about Bill O’Reilly anchoring election coverage of the 2008 primaries, for the sole purpose of humiliating Flamm.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/13 11:10AM

BAZONGADONGA: Rick Berke, a top editor at the New York Times, is leaving the paper to become the new executive editor of THE POLITICO, where he will be free to pursue the horse race political coverage that the Times allegedly loathes.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/13 08:25AM

The American Magazine Conference in New York was briefly evacuated yesterday after a noxious smell filled the conference room. Turns out it was just a copy of National Review.

Condé Nast Killed the Internship

J.K. Trotter · 10/23/13 10:31AM

You could say Condé Nast invented the Millenial-centric media internship: menial, subservient, under- or unpaid, yet intoxicatingly close to the reigning powers of New York City’s culture industry. Now they’re killing it off.

The AP Is Acting Panicky and Bizarre

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/13 08:58AM

Two weeks ago, the AP published a news story alleging serious misconduct by a Virginia gubernatorial candidate. The story was wrong; the AP pulled it after less than two hours. The AP has now fired three journalists as a result. This is insane.