
Erotica May Save Publishing

Ravi Somaiya · 04/30/10 01:30PM

Ever read any black urban erotic chick lit? How about wordy-porn featuring shape-shifting werewolves? No? Surely you must have picked up the S&M re-imagining of Robin Hood? Because it's masterworks like these that may revitalize publishing.

Sarah Ellison Banned from WSJ Press Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 12:41PM

In your indignant Wednesday media column: yet another example of the WSJ's determined surliness, big media buys cheap ass stories, the battle for control of the doomed Philly papers, and Alex Pareene is somewhere else now.

Another Sarah Palin Magazine. But Why?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 04:07PM

A tipster tells us this mysterious Sarah Palin magazine—another one—was found in a Target in Atlanta. "Historical Moments in Time," "Plus, Book Reviews." Why? How? Atlanta-area readers, please pick up a copy at once—for Sarah(?).