MSNBC's Phil Griffin obviously did not see Obama's excellent speech yesterday about setting aside partisan bickering. He told the Chicago Tribune that Fox News overlord Roger Ailes "changed the world," and that the creation of the partisan network was "brilliant."

Expect more 'news' through an ideological filter. Because "the critical lesson," surmise the Tribune, "Griffin took from Ailes was that a news outlet that stands for something is one that consumers can stand behind and rally around." Griffin wants to make MSNBC more like Fox. The level of "passionate support" Glenn Beck and co enjoy, he says, is "what we want to get."

It's not all cuddles between the networks. Griffin takes issue with CNN's (very reasonable) claim that they are the last cable news station worthy of the word 'news'. "I don't go along with this idea that CNN has, that somehow they are doing the Lord's work and we are simply regurgitating what people think." If he provided an argument to back this up, the story does not furnish us with it.

Ailes, equally disingenuous, recently told the Tribune that Fox does indeed have a bias — "a bias toward the American people."