In your sadly predictable Wednesday media column: Dan Rather's predictable memoir, Roger Ailes' predictable comments, the predictable financial failure of a quality journalism operation, and the predictably bizarre fallout of a women's magazine uproar.
In your paradigm-shifting Tuesday media column: Sasha Frere-Jones decamps, Keith Olbermann declaims, Brides magazine double-entendres, and the NYT deconstructs.
In your foreboding Monday media column: speculating on News Corp's education business, Associated Content is good for something, NBC Nightly News is now scrounging for any old viewers, Keith Olbermann prepares to talk trash, and a new media blog.
In your innovative Thursday media column: The Nation vs. the New York Times, Newsweek's quiet on its merger plans, your good media idea could make you millions, NPR's Juan Williams investigation is underway, and a remembrance.
In your bloviating Wednesday media column: Lou Dobbs gets a new show, Tribune Co prepares for bonus season, Business Insider backtracks on a listicle, and Slate is—or is it?
In your laughable Tuesday media column: Sarah Palin feuds comically with the WSJ, nobody watched the George Bush interview, Salon is (still) broke, and Gerald Levin returns to the media, for some reason.
In your icy Monday media column: Fox News anonymice reveal obvious scandals, turmoil at Essence, Bernie Sanders is moved to insanity by Keith Olbermann, Peter Chernin's big plans, and Euna Lee says she considered suicide in prison.
In your unified Friday media column: a strike at the BBC, Daily Candy's editor is out, Forbes debuts its "sponsored blog," and Jon Friedman has but one wish.
In your salacious Thursday media column: Olivier Zahm is a sexual prophet, the massive corporate media monsters flourish, ladies leave the New York Observer, and "The Way We Live Now" belongs to us!
In your non-political Wednesday media column: Cash Money books are coming, Newsweek's editor search drags on and on, the boss Moonie buys back the Washington Times, and Arianna Huffington and Robert Thomson creep, yeaaa, just keep it on the Twitpic.
In your backstabby Tuesday media column: Aussie papers want Col Allan back, Daily Beast staffers are pissed at their bosses, Tribune Co is canning its executives, News Corp's paywall is still flickering, and Variety's booting its editor. Hard times.
In your ascendant Monday media column: Bon Appetit finally names its new editor, the NYT public editor walks a fine line, Piers Morgan gets a producer, and Fox Business Network makes itself useful.
In your portentous Friday media column: leadership shuffles at Bon Appetit, Glenn Greenwald vs. Chuck Todd, changes at the National Magazine Awards, and Tribune Co's bankruptcy will drag on, forever.
In your ignominious Thursday media column: Conrad Black has big plans, new hires at Fast Company, Conde Nast's memo-writing abilities are woefully inadequate, and the wee New York Times Co. lives in a tiny dollhouse.
In your head-scratching Wednesday media column: Barry Diller's wacky plan for The Daily Beast, Conde Nast advertising shakeup, Shep Smith stays on at Fox News, and Juan Williams fans continue to provide comic relief.
In your vacuous Tuesday media column: the Juan Williams brigade pipes up, Politico launches a paid news operation, Katie Couric might stay at CBS, and Rupert Murdoch's war against Hollywood PR firms.
In your mortal Monday media column: Lee Abrams' full "Sluts" memo revealed, even more on Newsweek, Joao Silva's alive, moves to Fairchild, and newspapers continue to exist.
In your fall-like Friday media column: Harbinger is getting the hell away from the NYT, Tom Shales is leaving the Washingt Post, News Corp's "digital newsstand" didn't work out, and Peter Chernin might get a great new job.
In your politically advantageous Thursday media column: Juan Williams speaks, Matt Taibbi is outgrowing his wild days, Tina Brown is rapidly approaching "feud" status with Newsweek, and a funny video, about Newsweek, on the internet.
In your freewheeling Wednesday media column: Jon Meacham joins the promising field of book publishing, Tina Brown's talking about Newsweek,WSJ. magazine is coming out more frequently, and Matt Lauer, *spotted.*