Book Publishing Is Finally Getting Some Cash Money

In your non-political Wednesday media column: Cash Money books are coming, Newsweek's editor search drags on and on, the boss Moonie buys back the Washington Times, and Arianna Huffington and Robert Thomson creep, yeaaa, just keep it on the Twitpic.
- The Williams brothers, Birdman and Slim, the men who founded the accurately-named Cash Money Records, are getting into the book-publishing business. Upcoming titles include Raw Law: An Urban Guide to Criminal Justice, a novel called Justify My Thug, and a reissue of an Iceberg Slim book. With their marketing savvy, these guys could legitimately make this venture successful, and put every card table book dealer from Harlem to New Orleans out of business. And then spend all the profits on diamond teeth.
- How's the neverending search for Newsweek's next editor going? Sidney Harman says he hopes to have someone by the end of this month! But if not, hey, what's another month of mild interest in his moribund magazine?
- As expected, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon has bought back the debt-plagued Washington Times (which he founded) from his son, with a promise to "restore local and sports coverage." A newspaper covering its local community and its sports teams? Sounds crazy, but it just might work. (Really this paper will still be a financial failure, but at least one with decent editorial coverage).

Here is a "Twitpic" of Arianna Huffington and WSJ editor Robert Thomson together, in the WSJ newsroom, last night, at 1:30 on the a.m. They were "just working," there's nothing to "see here."